chapter 2

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General helped me stand up before going to the girl. It looked like she was medicated. She kept looking around frantically.

"You're okay here," General said softly to her. The taller black haired woman nodded at Nezu and left the room, closing the door behind her. The red eyed girl tensed slightly as General moved closer to her. He read her body language and stopped about 3 feet away from her. "Come sit on the couch please," he motioned towards the grey coushion's he had just been sitting on.

Nezu kept his smile on his face as the red eyed girl sat down. General merely stood behind the couch to not make her uncomfortable.

"Xio, this will be your new teacher. His name is General and you will be under his surveillance while you stay in Japan. Do you understand?" The furry animal said as he twiddled his thumbs. She nodded slowly.

I could get a better look at her now that she was closer. She- Xio, was really pretty. Her skin was tan and her brown hair was thick and curly. She must be foreign. Even in her baggy white clothes it was clear that she had a nice body. But I just want to know what got her in here. She looks like a nice girl with a good family.

General smiled at Xio softly from behind the couch, "I promise to help you. I will explain more once we get back to the building." Xio nodded and looked back at him. General then turned his attention towards me, "Tuna, grab my bag and take her to change her clothes. Also, Nezu. If we could get Xio out of the handcuffs-"

Nezu just tossed him a key, "Very well. I needed to talk to you in private anyways." General nodded and waved us off.

I quickly grabbed his bag and helped Xio to the nearest bathroom outside of the office. As soon as we got in she pushed me to the wall.

"Look here little boy, I need to get out and fast." She whispered out angrily. "Look," I start off, "I don't want to be here as much as you do. But we don't have a choice. At the moment we are being monitored by pro heros we have no way of defeating. Especially since I can't use my quirk right now. So either shut up and put on your clothes nicely or I'll put them on for you."

She smirked at the last sentence and put her face closer to mine. Which was funny because she was a shit lot taller than me. "You just want to see me undressed~" I laughed at her. She's really funny I admit that. Xio looked annoyed as she heard me laugh. "Oh don't tell me you're gay-" She whined out as she backed off.

"Well yes techincally," I say while laughing. "But I don't need to see your tits when I have a pair of my own!"

Xio looked me up and down as I kept laughing. "You don't look you have any. You look like a little boy who hasn't eaten enough in the past week!" She stated as she picked up the UA uniform from the bag.

I take off her handcuffs, "We can talk more about me once we get home. Just don't try your little act with General." Xio rolled her eyes, "Don't tell me he's gay too."

I turned to face the wall and give her some privacy, "No, he's just not a weirdo." Xio huffed as she put on the skirt and button up. "Is there any way for me to walk out of here without the handcuffs?" I shook my head, "No. General needs to evaluate you and chip you." I tap my feet on the wall as she continues to change.

"Chip me? Like a dog?" Xio sounded dumbfounded, shuffling coming from her as she was probably looking at herself in the mirror. "Not like a dog. Just a piece of jewelery. It doesn't hurt I promise." Xio responded to me with a hum. "I'm ready now little boy~"  I rolled my eyes at her, "I have a name you know."

She pouted and put her hands out to me, "Well you have yet to introduce yourself to me!" I put the handcuffs around her wrists and lock them, "Well neither have you. And I must say it's incredibly rude for you to come in first and never tell me your name."

"They told me to say Xio," she said while  keeping a hand up for a handshake. "Tuna," I say while shaking her hand. "Tuna? Like the fish?" I nod as I grab Generals bag off the floor. "It's a bit weird I know. But it does its job." Xio shrugged her shoulders and mumbled under her breath. I didn't want to waste any more time so I just ignored it.

Leading your out into the bathroom and to the office again I turned to her before knocking. "Act like you're on drugs again." Xio nodded, she looked a bit flustered. Did she really just realize that she put down the act?

I smile under my mask and knock on the door. "Come in!" Nezu shouted from inside, I could hear shuffling. Opening the door I allowed Xio to go first. "Thank you Nezu. We can talk more about this later. For now I think we should just get Xio home," General said as he picked up a bag.

Nezu and General spoke for a bit more. Xio was zoned out, looking through the window. I went a bit closer to Xio and grabbed the chain between the cuffs so I could hold onto her as we left. General gave one last goodbye to Nezu as he guided us out the room.


General unlocked the door to the house and I led Xio in, taking her cuffs off. My teacher finally relaxed, a deep breath escaping him. "Sorry I've been so uptight. We can all talk now." Xio relaxed her shoulders slightly, "Okay sir." I rolled my eyes. She wasn't that uptight with me.

"Stop being timid Xio," I yanked off my mask and hung it up as I talked. She looked at me and her mouth slipped open a bit. I smirk, "Welcome home your highness~"

Yo :-) I hope you liked it or something

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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