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chloe pov

"your shoes are fire" some random guy say as billie and i walk past him

"who's?" she asks

"yours" he say pointing at her jordan's

"thank you" she say

"where did you get them from?" he asks

"i'm going to head inside" i tell billie

"alright" she say and i walk away heading inside the store

i grab a cup and begin filling it up with cherry flavored icee. i then look over to see them still talking outside.

i roll my eyes annoyed before grabbing some packs of gum. i'm kind of hungry so i grab some hot chicken tenders.

i need a tattoo or a piercing or something. finally billie walks in but that dude follows behind her.

"chloe, kylan also sings too!" she smiles excitedly

i truthfully don't give a flying fuck!

"oh really? that's cool" i say

"yeah i just released my first single on all platforms if you wanna listen" he say

"he showed me and it's so good! im definitely adding it to my playlist" billie say grabbing my hand

"billie told me you're into theater and acting, that's cool as hell. how long have you been into it?" he asks me

"although i wanted to start earlier i didn't start until high school"

"wow, is there anything you're working on now?" he asks

"well i'm in the musical hairspray, you should come check it out."

"what school do you two attend again?" he asks

"AMDA" billie answers

"ahh, i should check it out" he say before suddenly his phone gets a notification and he looks at it

he immediately gets an annoyed and disappointed look across his face. "fuck" he whispers

"what?" billie asks

"um,i know we just met but im wondering if you guys could give me a ride home. my ride just had an emergency to where she can't come get me from work" he say

"you work here?" i ask

"yeah" he nods

"yeah we can" billie say looking over at me

WHAT THE HELL! who the hell is driving? me! who car is it? mine! so why she making decisions.

"only if that's okay with you" she tells me giving me that one look

oh..never mind lol! why she looking at me like that? she knows i can't say no to that face.

"yeah it's fine" i let out

"great! thank you!!" he say "can i get you two phone numbers? we totally should hang out one day. i could bring my girlfriend, it would be a double date"

i don't know why but all my built tension was released once he mentioned he had a girlfriend. he was not flirting towards my girl which i'm grateful for. i cant tell the difference in being nice or flirting so its nice to know he has a girlfriend.

i pull out my phone happy as hell and the top of our phones come in contact sharing our phone numbers with each other.

"i'm going to get my stuff" billie say before walking over to the slushees

she gets a blue raspberry flavored one and im already mentally making plans of creating purple.

once she gets everything she needs we head to check out and i pay for both of our things. once we get to the car with kylan, he gets in the backseat. "your car is real nice dude" he say

"thanks" i say before playing my music and turning up on full blast

i hold my girlfriend hand as i drive but then quickly remember i don't know where kylan lives.  so i turn down the music and listen to him give directions to his place of residence the entire time.

once we finally get to his house im very happy to say my goodbyes and pull off. "he was a very cool dude" billie comments

"i guess" i say

"pull over" she sighs

"huh" i say as we are literally on the highway

"you heard me chloe" she sternly

i pull over as her requests and suddenly she grabs me by my shirt and presses her lips against mine. i kiss back eagerly, as i've been craving her lips the entire time they were off mine.

after five minutes of making out she pulls away saying "we should probably stop"

"probably, but we don't have to" i say being basically a crack head about it. her lips are purple and i look up at the rearview mirror to see mine are too.

suddenly my phone starts ringing and i pick it up to the sounds of my mom horrid sobbing. all i could think about was the day my mom found out her mom died.

"mom what's going on?" i ask her

"sekani's has been shot three times" she say through her cries

"he's alive right?" i ask her

"barely. they said they're going to do everything they can"

"i'm coming home" i say before hanging up

"what happened?" billie looks over at me confused

a/n: short but idc

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