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"Rouke we have 215 uptown.413 Alkame street.  Called in by a child, shooting involved. Get there sending Ambulance right behind you."
"Yes Sir."

Today had started off so slow but my heart was in overtime. I dont know whats going on. The funny part it all seems in my head. I've made my partner take my pulse more than once and everytime its all normal.
Feel like I'm having palpitations in the spirit.

Driving to the scene, mugging or street robbery. It feels like I'm driving to something out of this world.
"You are fazing out again Jaimie, you good?"
"Yeah i am. Today has been a little off center for me."
"Why? Something happen to your folks?"
"No. They good. Dont worry Kian. I'll be alright if i dont find a dead body and also get some hot dinner."
"Ohhh you haven't ate yet. Or maybe you missing another kind of hot dinner. Hmm"
Sitting there in his glory batting his eyelashes trying to immitate a girl was, Kian, my partner all sandy brown hair and big brown eyes. Most innocent looking man with the filthiest mind ever.
"Quit it Kian. Put that brain work." As i pulled over and exited the car, i put my cop face on and focused. I could see a child kneeling by someone.
One bullet casing on the ground.
Right when the angle allowed me to see the body clearly, all the time i felt like i had been missing during my day came back crushing into me.
For a second i must have stopped breathing when i saw the blood on her abdomen staining her white shirt.  Up her face, the angles and curves of her face were framed by the lights from the street and the car,
A little hiccup brought me back into perspective, you working Jaimie get it together.
"Ma'am I'm Detective Rouke this is my partner. I'm gonna touch you and assess your wound. The ambulance is on the way."
She nodded.
Bullet had entered and exited her body. I used my hands to cover her wound and i saw smaller hands covered in blood placing themselves on top of mine.
The vic' looked down and smiled softly, gosh she was beautiful in this unearthly way. Focus!!
"Don't worry pumpkin I'm okay. I'm okay."
"Okay. I wont leave you Mom."
I could hear the sirens close by. A little bit more.
The little one was trembling.
"She'll be alright. Ambulance will be here in a minute. Whats your name?"
I could see Kian in the periphery looking around and keeping guard.
"Dante Ascott, and my baby girl Mia."
She coughed a bit and blood showed in her mouth. Shit. 
Ambulance arrived. Thank heavens.
"Vic has been shot once and might be bleeding internally."
I helped the mts put her gurney i wasnt ready for what she did.
Fisted my collar and yanked me towards her,  "my daughter, take care of her please. Dont leave her."
"Okay. I will stay with her. Go, I'll be behind you."
I watched the ambulance doors shut and looked at the small human being standing beside me.
"Come on Sweetheart. Lets go make sure your mom will be okay. Kian I'm heading for the hospital."
"Go, I'll get a ride from the boys."

Lieutenant said kid made the call.  "Were You the one who called the cops sweety?"
"Hmmhmm i used my moms phone. Its kind of broken though. She taught me how some time ago. Said if i needed her or help i should know what numbers to call."
", you did good sweety. You did very good. Did you know who hurt your mom?"
"No. He said he wanted money. Mom was giving it to him but he said some mean things and other things i dont know what they mean but mom got mad. She hit him and he shot her. Then ran so i called the cops like mom said to do. Is she gonna be okay? "
Her little face was covered in tears and blood smudges from wiping it with her hands.
"She'll be alright sweety. Take some paper towels back there and wipe your  hands and face okay. We are almost at the hospital."

Westend Emergency was good for gunshot victims. Most cops injured on duty came here.
Sitting in the lobby with Mia was nerve racking. Her little legs were bouncing off the chair and she kept looking at me like how much longer. She couldn't see her mom till she was out of surgery and its been 3 hours.
Its 1am now and she is still awake.
Yawning and shaking herself awake, got her sandwich and only ate half of it.
"Hey sweety. You okay?"
"Not really. That guy didn't have to hurt her she would have given him the money anyways."
"You are right. Sometimes people do bad things by accident or they are just bad people. Hold about you hold onto this till you see your mom hmm. "
She took the chain that carried a bullet and a tooth. With curiosity turned it over and over in her hands.
"When i was younger i think 10,my dad and i had the awesomest idea to go hunting up in the mountains. And we did, on our trip we bumped into a bear. I was so scared. But i couldn't run away. So my dad tries to scare him away and he just growls like aghhhh and starts coming for me. I swang the shotgun i had and hit him in the face. Boy did he get mad. Then he went chomp!  Wanted to bite my head off but i ducked just as my dad pushed him so hard that he ended up hitting a tree. And bam off came two teeth and bear fainted. So my dad grabs the teeth and chucks me over his shoulder and runs till we got back to our cabin. So i have one tooth and my dad has one."
Through my story she was so animated. Her face went from shocked scared and happy in seconds. Beautiful child.
Wonder what type of mother I'd be.
"What about this one?"
"I'll tell you when your mom is declared okay by the doctor."


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