Cedric Diggory

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The days leading up to today felt like they dragged on for ages. School was hard, your parents were putting pressure on you and you just felt so uninspired to do anything.  You only left your dorm for classes and meals, otherwise you were wrapped under your blankets. Finally, the weekend arrived. You liked the weekends because there was no classes and you felt free from responsibilities. You finished breakfast in the great hall and began the walk back to your dorm.

"Y/N wait up." You hear a familiar voice call from behind you. You stomach grew with butterflies as you turned around to meet Cedrics eyes.

"Hey Ced." You greeted him with a smile as he walked beside you.

"I was wondering if you had plans for today?" He inquired still walking with you. Technically you didn't but you had planned to go and sit by the lake and read and then spent the rest of the time in your dorm. But you did not want to tell him that.

"Um no I don't think so, why?" You ask him stopping in your tracks. He stopped to and smiled down at you, happiness filling his eyes.

"How would you feel about going on an adventure? I should warn you that if you agree you can't ask any questions you just have to trust me." He explains. You hadn't gone on an adventure in forever and your heart had been craving one for awhile, plus you knew you would be safe with Cedric so what could go wrong.

"I would love to." Cedric smiled at your response grabbing your hand leading you out of the school. You started to head towards Hogsmeade. Once there he told you he would be right back and left to buy something.

"Alright let's go." Cedric said heading towards the train.

"The train? We can't leave Hogsmeade!" You tell him, nerves filling your body.

"Hey, you agreed to this and said you wouldn't question anything. I promise everything will be fine. We will be on the train coming home tonight and will be back to school this evening." He explained with pleading eyes. You take one last deep breath before following him onto the train.

Your trip was long but enjoyable. You and Cedric talked about your life's and what had been going on. You opened up about your anxiety with classes and your parents and he was very comforting and gave you advice, reminding you that he is always there for you. Once you arrived at the platform you didn't waste anytime. You both ran through the bustling streets of London. You spent your day walking through museums taking in all the art and history surrounding you. Cedric led you to the biggest music store you had ever seen. You looked through so many records. You and Cedric even had a little dance break in the middle of the store not caring about the looks you were being given from other customers. The library was your next stop where you found your favourite book and sat down on the floor to read it, Cedric joined you placing his head on your lap and listening to you read to him. Soon it was time to leave the city and return to Hogwarts. You both ran through the platform and made your way onto the train. You both played games for the first bit of your trip. Laughter was filling your compartment as you both couldn't help but enjoy the others company. You moved to sit next to Cedric, and you placed your head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for such an amazing day Ced. I really needed to escape my mind and school." You thank him.

"Of course. And anytime you feel that way again you let me know and we will go on another adventure anywhere you want."  He tells you. He puts his arm around your shoulder pulling you closer into his side and planting a kiss on the top of your head. You allow your eyes to close and you fall asleep for the remainder of the train ride. Once the train comes to a stop Cedric sweetly wakes you up, taking your hand in his and walks you back to Hogwarts. You both got back later than expected so you had to sneak past Filch but it just added the whole adventure vibe you were going for today. Before you went your separate ways, you pull Cedric in for a sweet kiss. You walk back to your dorm and get changed for bed.  For the first time in awhile you went to bed with a smile on your face and genuine happiness filling every inch of your body.

Harry Potter Character Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora