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Sofie's POV

Hi my name is Sofie Graham. I am 15 years old. I am a world wide known contortionist and singer. My father is Drake he is a singer/rapper. I woke up to my phone going off. I got up and turned it off. I looked through my notifications and saw that dad and I have a red-carpet event today. I got out of bed and went to shower. After I showered I did my skin care routine and got ready. I put on a tight fitted white lace dress with me jean jacket and 5 inch high white heels. I walked downstairs to find my dad in the kitchen cooking. I sat down and he gave me a plate. Hey dad why are you not ready, I said. Ready for what and by the way you look nice, Drake said. Thank you and the red-carpet today, I said. I will go change after we eat, Drake said. I nodded and continued to eat my food. Once the both of us finished dad went to get ready and I sat on the couch scrolling through my phone. After a few minutes of mindless scrolling my dad came down and we left. We were in the car driving when I saw the red-carpet. So many people were there that I was shocked. We got out and I walked down the red-carpet first. There were multiple people taking pictures of me but I was used to it. When I got to the end of the carpet I was asked a couple questions. OMG Sofie, I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Kio. That is my que to go, I said. I walked over to Kio. Kio, Anthony how have you guys been, I said. I've been good I have a girlfriend now, Anthony said. Oh my god I have to meet her, I said She is coming tonight, Anthony said. Yes and how about you Kio, I said. I've been good oh and I started dating this Olivia girl, Kio said. Oh my god good for you, I said. Then my dad came over. Hello Drake, Anthony said. Hey, Kio said. Hi nice to see the two of you again, Drake said. You as well, Anthony said. Sofie it's nice to see you guys hanging out again but we have to go, Drake said. Yeah ok you guys meet me back here after and we can go hang out at mine, I said. Sure, Anthony said. Oh and bring your girlfriends, I said. Then walked away. So we are having guests tonight then, Drake said. Yeah don't worry about it we will stay out of your way, I said. We walked in and sat down. After about 2 hours of just sitting and watching my dad get an award we could leave. I got up and walked over to where I am meeting the boys. After a few minutes I saw Anthony and a girl walk over to me. Kio is coming now, Anthony said. The girl looked star struck. Ok and you must be his girlfriend, I said. Oh um yeah I'm Avani, she said. Nice to meet you, I said. We just talked for a couple minutes until I saw Kio and who I assume is Olivia. Well look who finally showed up, I said. Kio laughed. Sorry couldn't remember how to get back here, Kio said. You can definitely tell that you haven't been to one of these in a while, I said. The last one I went to was 2 years ago when you dragged me to it, Kio said. Hey I made Anthony come as well and you don't here him complaining, I said. We should get going before Drake starts asking us why we got held up, Anthony said. I nodded and we all started walking towards the car. Which car did you guys take, Kio said. Mine, I said. Anthony laughed and ran away to find my car. Can't get in dumbass, I said. You forgot to take the keys, Kio said. Thanks, I said. Anthony came back and threw me over his shoulder. Anthony put me down, I said. He let go of my legs and I bent in half and landed on my feet. Ha, I laughed and everyone made their way over to us. I honestly thought you were going to fall again, Kio said. Except that I remembered how to not fall on my face when he does that, I said. I saw my dad waiting by the car. Race you, I said. Your on, Kio said. I took off running to my car and I got their before him. Ha I win and I'm still faster than you, I said. We all got in my car and Anthony asked for aux. I gave it to him. I pulled out and started driving home. Anthony put on our playlist. I looked back at him and saw that he was smiling. We just sung to the songs that were playing and talked.

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