Chapter 1

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It all started on a gloomy day on September the 1st, 1971. I was waiting impaitantly with my parents and little brother, older sister and family dog in the car. I had to kiss my parents goodbye as they shoved me and Aife (My older sister) out of the car. "Its in there somewhere!" They had yelled. 

"Of course it is." I muttered. "Even if it does exist."

"Stop being so negative!" Aife said shoving me playfully. "Remember, I've been going here two years now. It does exist." 

"Okay," I said sarcastically. 

"Hurry up will you," Aife said, seeing my un-moving feet. 

I grumbled but followed her anyway. We had to push past billions and millions of people. It was ridiculous. We came to platform nine and I raised an eyebrow. Platform 9 and 3/4 didn't exist. There was only platform 9 and platform 10. 

"Run through the wall," Aife said seeing the disbelief etched in my facial features. 

"Makes sense. Cant find the platform you want so just run through the wall and then you'll magically be there," I said sarcastically. I then realised. Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. Wizards and Witches did magic. "Okay I'll run through it," 

"Good," Aife said happily. 

I grabbed my trolley and ran at the wall, at full speed. I closed my eyes, expecting to meet brick and blood but I passed through it like a sheet of water. It felt like passing through ice. I opened my eyes and gasped in delight. There were a giant crowd of people but instead of wearing normal clothes, they were wearing robes of some sort. 

I felt a hand close on my shoulder and I jumped but it was only Aife. 

"Wonderful isn't it?" She said happily. 

"Yes!" I said. there were owls swooping over our heads and rats and mice running all over the ground. I had to duck and swerve to the side to avoid from getting trampled on. In the centre there was a huge, glossy, red train. I gaped at it and saw Aife roll her eyes out of the corner of my eye. 

"Come on, lets get on," Aife said.

I nodded happily as I followed Aife onto the train. 

"Go make friends," Aife said. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Oh I dunno. Maybe so you wont be lonely?" Aife said. 

"I'm never lonely!" I pouted. 

"The people here at Hogwarts are horrible. If you're getting bullied - which you will be if you don't have any friends then you'll want someone to have your back. Someone to always be there for you." Aife said. 

"Not everyones horrible," I said, sticking up for everyone.

"I've never met anyone who stands up for someone who gets bullied." Aife said. 

"Yes you have," I said crossing my arms.

Aife frowned. "No I haven't," 

"You haven't met me then?" I said winking at her.

"I said people at Hogwarts, genius," Aife said rolling her eyes.

"And I go to Hogwarts!" I said raising an eyebrow. 

"Not yet you don't." Aife said. "You haven't ever been to Hogwarts," 

"Still," I said. 

"My point is go get friends," Aife said pushing me through a crowd of what looked like second year people. 

"You're in year three right?" I asked Aife. 

"Yeah? Great working out Einstein," Aife said sighing at me. "I am two years older than you and you are in your first year." 

"I was just asking, it's different at Hogwarts," I said grumpily.

"Amazing," Aife said sarcastically. "Now if you'll excuse me, I want to hang around my friends without my annoying little sister with me."

"Wow. That hurt," I said pretending to be stung by what she said. 

Aife rolled her eyes but didn't say anything as she walked away quickly, not looking where she was going. I watched as she walked into a boy. 

"Ow!" He yelled. "What was that for?" 

"Oh... Uh... Sorry?" She said. Normally, for her, it was so easy to talk to people. I can't relate. I talk like I just got off a plane that was about to crash into an island of cannibals. Very stuttering and stupid. 

I ran to help Aife as she picked up the boys belongings and shoved them in his hands. He snorted at her as she left, saying her apologies. The boy had black hair and an ugly frown on his head. His skin was red and looked like he had been yelling. He wasn't fat but was a bit on the pudgy side. 

"What are you looking at?" He said as he shoved me. 

"Umm... You?" I said, shaking as if I had been stung by a billion killer bee's. 

"Well, stop." He said crossly. 

"S- sorry?" I blurted out. I then realised that he should be saying sorry to me for shoving me. "Um.. You n- need to say it a- as well." I said. 

"No I don't." He said. "Now go away before I beat you up." 

I don't know why but I suddenly burst out laughing. 

"Ugh!" He yelled. 

I saw his punch coming from a mile of but was frozen still with shock at why I had laughed. His hand hit me like a brick. I was thrown onto the floor, not making a single noise. 

"Now scram!" He yelled. "Before I punch you again." 

"N- no." I said, standing my ground. I didn't want to stay here and carry on getting punched, but as I said to Aife, someone's got to stop a bully.  

"Why are you stammering? Are you S- S- Scared?" He laughed as he mimicked me. 

I suddenly felt a rage of anger, come up from no where. I hooked my foot around his ankle and pulled. He fell onto me, his weight squishing my rib cage. I then noticed that between me and him, we had gathered quite a crowd. They were just watching, mouths open. 

"No ones ever stood to Adam before!" Someone whispered. 

"He's got a point though, her stuttering is kind of annoying." 

"She is so going to die. He is going to kill her." 

I knew I was going to loose the fight if he continued staying on me. He was still in shock that I had knocked him over and hadn't realised he was hurting my ribs. I wriggled around and somehow managed to get out from under him. I got up immediately, knowing my best chance was on my feet. 

I don't know how I didn't see it coming. He grabbed both my ankles and yanked me foreword, making me fall on my face. Hard. Blood sprouted everywhere, he grinned, thinking he had won the fight but I whizzed around and hit him on the head with my bloody fist. 

After that arms dragged me off him and shoved me in a compartment all alone. I sighed, standing up to bullies would be work. 

I tried to stop the constant gush of blood but it was practically useless. So in the end I just ended up holding a tissue to my nose. I got changed in the carriage halfway through. My family didn't have a lot of money and there was a little to no chance they'd give it to Aife, me or Macro 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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