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Beep beep beep.

Beep beep beep.

Beep beep beep.

I sat up slowly and pulled out the IV. I pulled the heart monitor sticker things off and grabbed my clothes. I dressed before any doctors or nurses came and opened the hospital window. I looked down to see that I was on the third floor. I made sure the coast was clear before jumping and landing in a tree. I slowly shimmied down and as soon as my feet touched the dirt, I took off towards the academy as fast as I could.

^3rd POV^ {with Hokage}

The Hokage and future senseis watched the class. They all simultaneously sweat-dropped when Naruto was pushed into kissing Sasuke, literally. They watched with little interest as the class girls advanced on Naruto. It was when a small form jumped through the window that the groups interest was piqued.

The Hokage recognized the girl as the orphan girl, Kyoko, yet the others were curious as to who the new comer was and decided to watch and investigate.

The girl made absolutely no sound. Her foot steps, her breathing, everything about her was no louder than the quietest whisper. Her hair was a grey-white color and her eyes where clear blue. She wore a black tank top and black shorts with fishnets underneath. Her left cheek and forehead were bandaged.

She looked around and her eyes narrowed on the girls advancing on Naruto. Right as the mob pounced, with amazing speed, the girl somehow grabbed Naruto and held him above the class as she hung from the rafters. She did all this, miraculously without anyone else in the class noticing. Naruto looked up at her and she made a shushing motion to keep him quiet. A minute later, Iruka entered the room and the girls, having given up on finding Naruto, went back to their seats. Kyoko swung Naruto and tossed him carefully towards his seat. He landed on the desk noisily while Iruka's back was turned and the class looked at him. The clatter brought Iruka's attention to him.

"Naruto, please get off the desk and sit in your seat," Iruka sighed.

"Hai, Iruka sensei."

"Now class, Kyoko won't be with us today as she is in the hospital," Iruka began. Naruto rose his hand. "Yes, Naruto."

"Ne, Iruka sensei, Kyoko-chan is here though," Naruto said.

"Is she?" Iruka asked in shock. He glanced around before frowning at Naruto. "Do not lie to me Naruto."


"Naruto," Iruka said in a warning tone. The other children snickered at Naruto's expense. It was then that Kyoko dropped from the rafters, landing gracefully and without so much as a thud on her feet right behind Iruka. The class gasped at her 'sudden' appearance while Kyoko silently reached up to tap Iruka's shoulder.

Iruka jumped and turned around to stare at Kyoko.

"K-Kyoko-chan?!" He asked incredulously. "Where did you come from?!"

Kyoko said nothing, just pointed upwards. Iruka looked up at the rafters.

"How did you get all the way up there?" He asked softly. She hopped a little and he sighed, putting a hand to his head. "And aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?"

She nodded, rocking back and forth on her feet innocently.

"Then don't you think you should go back?" He continued.

Kyoko shook her head and he sighed again.

"Don't bother Iruka-sensei," Ino, one of the children in the room, said haughtily. "She won't talk to anybody."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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