Journey to Kridderin

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As Artemisia stood over the girl she had once called friend, silver knife raised to deliver the killing blow, she hesitated...and thought back to the events that had

brought them to this point.

One year earlier....

King Magnus scowled. "Our neighbors in Kriddiren are cursed with a powerful vampire and their kingdom is its feeding ground. Even one vampire is dangerous...and they tend to draw others of their kind. King Balthazar knows we breed hunters, it is strange that he hasn't asked for assistance. Tell me what you know about their kingdom."

The advisor answered "King Balthazar's wife Queen Rosebud died two years ago under mysterious circumstances--her heart was torn out. Other killings followed, in the same manner. The King and Queen have one daughter, Princess Chione..."

The king interrupted "Daughter? What daughter?" His eyebrows lifted in surprise and his gaze turned sharp. "I don't recall attending a christening for a baby from that Kingdom. How old is she?"

"I'm not sure, sire. No one outside of Kriddiren has heard of this princess's existence... until about two years ago."

The king raised an eyebrow at this. "Hmm. Find out all that you can about Kriddiren's mysterious princess and report back to me. I think this will be an excellent first mission for my children. Tell them I want to see them"

The advisor bowed and left the study. A few minutes later the door opened again, admitting twin teenagers, a boy, and a girl. The king raised his head and smiled warmly at his beloved children, Princess Artemisia, and Prince Cassius. Artemisia's hair was the color of cornsilk, but it was thick and tended to curl. She looked angelic, but she had the fiery nature of her red-haired mother, Queen Stella. Cassius had his father's broad face and high forehead, his hair was a darker blond than his sister's. His personality was calmer and he was usually quieter than Artemisia, but he was nevertheless impulsive at times.

Both children had been born with a purple fleur-de-lis birthmark on their right forearm, which identified them as vampire hunters. The hunters were usually female, Cassius was the first huntsman in several centuries.

The king embraced his children. "How are you both? What were you learning about today?"

As usual, Artemisia did the talking for both of them. She settled herself in a chair, blue eyes sparkling "We just started learning about a blood drinker called a Strigoi--they are always female and they are harder to kill because they have two hearts. They have many powers and can hypnotize people and make slaves out of them. They are more dangerous than other blood drinkers because they practice black magic." Artemisia paused, finally taking a breath.

The king nodded his head in approval, beaming. "I am very proud of your progress, both of you," glancing at his son to include him. "I'm very glad about it... because I am going to send you on your first mission." The twins' eyes widened.

"There have been mysterious murders in King Balthazar's kingdom..we suspect it to be a vampire. The king has not asked for assistance, but when we travel there in two weeks for your wedding, Artemisia, I want you to be alert."

Artemisia's eyebrows raised in surprise that there might be a vampire in her betrothed's kingdom. "How much do you know about this, Father?"

"The vampire showed up when the former queen died, she may have been its first victim. That was two years ago, and that is all we know now. We will be able to find out more when we travel there in two weeks for your wedding to King Balthazar."

King Magnus' mustache drooped as he looked at his daughter. "I am glad our kingdoms are near each other, I would miss you so much if you were far away. It worries me sometimes, you are so trusting of people and so quick to make makes you seem younger than you hasn't been a problem here in our kingdom, but there...not everyone will be trustworthy... I think."

Artemisia had gone to the oak chest and lifted the lid and pulled out the set of handkerchiefs she had started embroidering as a wedding gift for her husband to be.

"I know that, father." She settled in the big red wing chair by the fireplace and put her feet on the ottoman and started sewing.

King Magnus and Prince Cassius sat nearby at a beautifully carved cedar table with an equally lovely chess set on it carved from maple. Wood was plentiful in Pheonia with its huge forests. The kingdom had also become wealthy because of its skilled shipbuilders.

Artemisia watched them play chess, thinking that Cassius was not nearly as skilled a chess player as their father.

The next weeks were a flurry of activity, mostly packing and completion of Artemisia's wedding dress. When the Phoenian royal family arrived at Kriddiren, King Balthazar and Princess Chioni met them at the palace gates. As Artemisia gracefully curtsied, she discreetly stole glances at Princess Chioni. Despite the warm spring day, her dress had long sleeves, her hands were encased in gloves, and she wore a wimple over her hair and a veil that covered her face, with a slit for her eyes.

King Balthazar looked young--too young to have a daughter Princess Chioni's age. They warmly welcomed the Phoenisian royal family and guided them on a tour. Once they were indoors, Chioni removed her veil, explaining to Artemisia that she must wear it when she goes outdoors because her skin is sensitive to sunlight and she burns easily. 

Artemisia said "That must be awful--I love going out in the sunshine. I feel sorry for you," she said this kindly, unsure if the other princess would be offended.

Chioni didn't appear to be offended. Artemisia walked beside her and asked her questions, learning about Kruiddiren's economy and exports.

"Kruiddiren produces advanced medicines and is technologically advanced. They have miles of forest, many of our medicinal herbs are harvested from them." Chioni's voice is pleasant and melodic.

"Pheonia only has one forest--the dwarves live there and they don't like Intruders, except for hunters. The hunters share a portion of their catches with whichever dwarf family whose land they catch it on. The game is plentiful, so it is not a hardship for the hunters and everyone benefits." Artemisia tells her.

Chioni's eyes crinkle, and she smiles with perfect pearls. "You are as lovely as I have heard!" Artemisia exclaimed. Indeed, Chioni had long thick glossy hair which even though it reached her waist, was still thick at the ends. Her skin was flawless white porcelain, and her lips were like soft rubies. "I hope we will be best friends."

Chioni looked at her with a startled expression, her eyes looked damp. "I...I don't have many friends...I hope we will become great friends, also."

The two young princesses grinned at each other.

Artemisia looked around and caught Cassius' eye. He had been watching them...well, watching Princess Chioni, was more accurate. Artemisia smirked and sent a silent thought to him over their twin bond. "Don't get too smitten, Cassius...she is going to be your niece in law soon."

He stuck his tongue out in a childish response. Chioni looked confused at the rude gesture, not being privy to the silent conversation. Cassius's face reddened, and Artemisia quickly stammered "It's a twin thing."

"No it's really a hunter thing," Artemisia thought to herself. It was one of many talents that the twins had.

"This is what father meant about being too trusting." her brother's voice spoke in her mind. "We need to be careful not to let people know about our powers."

As they walked, Artemisia sensed something was odd about the King, and all of the people they had seen. They all seem slightly dazed. She speaks to her brother through their telepathic bond "Have you noticed anything strange about these people?"

"No," he replied silently. He doesn't say anything else, but his attention is on Chioni. Artemisia rolls her eyes. "Cassius is so enamored he might not notice if bricks from the wall started falling on his head," Artemesia thinks.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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