(2)Journal 3??

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♡ Pacifica POV ♡
My room was kinda bland and way dusty,uncle Bud could have had the decency to clean up the room first before I had arrived oh well that's uncle Bud for you.I took my three suitcases and decided to start unpacking my things y'know clothes,my phone,laptop,diary,my own scrapbook I like to make for remembering good memories,my collection of scrunchies I use to tie for hair,hairbrush,some books I read and some pocket money to spend the time during the summer.As soon I finished packing,i stumbled across a strange book something called journal 3 but what for
Could it be a diary? Oh! I remember Gideon told me he uses this for the mystery adventures he likes to go on to find out more of the weirdness of Reverse Falls.I clearly had to read it and see what was inside.

"It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began researching the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon.

In all my travels, never have I observed so many curious things! Gravity Falls is indeed a geographical oddity."

"Unfortunately, my suspicions have been confirmed, I'm being watched.

I must hide this book before He finds it.
Remember—in Gravity Falls there is no one you can trust."

"No one you can trust?" That's a bit harsh isn't it now I'm curious about who wrote this maybe it was Gideon,nah the cover had a six fingered hand and I know for sure that Gideon doesn't have six fingers on both of his and it couldn't be uncle Bud either.Maybe that could be a mystery I could and it also says that is a journal of it so maybe there's more than 1 maybe even ten of them?! I looked through it and it was very creepy and interesting excessively I looked through all most every page so I made it to look  at it tomorrow.

For about entirely 3 hours I fair-mindlessly listened to some more music,write my daily diary entry then watched some YouTube videos about conspiracy theories and fun fact I hope I don't get judged for that why should I care about what other people it's want I enjoy watching.

When watching a video,a strange ad came up about the tent of telepathy in Reverse Fall's.

"Hey there,are you completely miserable bored out your mind? Then you need to meet the Gleeful twins."

"The Gleeful twins? What makes them so special"

"They're psychics and can perform magic tricks that will blow your minds so don't waste your time on so called men of mystery.So come on down for some magical performances performed by the Gleeful twins also named Mabel and Dipper".

Hmmm..what a minute so it's those twins I saw outside the tent I saw earlier so they're Mabel and Dipper huh? Dipper is a weird name isn't it   though after hearing the commercial I was quite compelled and un-eased by the way the man had said.I started to get so I just decided to go to sleep,I had a big day tomorrow now I want to this tent of telepathy maybe it would surprise me or not.

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