Chapter 1: A new day

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I continue staring into the inside of the gaping hole that is the cave. I know I should be going by now, but I'm kept back. I feel like it's going to swallow me any second, that if I go deeper, I'll never come out. Afterall, there must be a reason we were never allowed inside. A shiver runs down my spine.

"Grow up, Laa! It's just a stupid cave!" I tell myself in a whisper. But still, the fear resonates. Maybe I should just spin around and go through the mountains instead. Maybe it's not too late to join Po. Yeah, that wouldn't be too bad. It would be safer, less dark, and we would be together. It could work out. But then. . . What if I run into Tink? I can't play my chances. He could easily kill me. . .

No! It's too late to turn around! I made my choice! I'm going through that cave whether I like it or not!

That's easier said than done.

I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and let out a sigh. Slowly, I walk into the depths of the rock and stone. Once inside, I open my eyes. It's pitch black. I can barely see my hands. Thank god my fur is yellow, it contrasts the darkness. I slide my hand against the rough rock as I walk through the dark. No wonder we were never let around here, we would've gotten lost and never come out. As I enter deeper into the darkness, I see light, bright and powerful. I go towards it, and find that there are more lights. Illuminating a path. A path towards the way out? Seems like the most logical explanation. What else could it lead to?

With the adrenaline gone, and a clear way towards safety, the reality of what just happened sinks in. Dipsy. . . Lying on the floor, bleeding heavily from his headless body. The dark red blood seeping on the floor. How could I have let that happen? I can imagine Dipsy waking up, confused, Tink grabbing his neck, tightening his hold, Dip struggling to escape, his body slumping on the ground as his head pops off and blood pours out. Blood. . . I wipe a tear from my face. It was hard thinking of Dip. Gone. The mere thought crushed me, leaving nothing but an empty shell. And Tink. . . What happened to him? The Tink I know would've never done such a thing! I remember his face, pale as a ghost, with empty, soulless eyes. That wasn't Tink, not anymore. He looked dead, like a walking corpse. Maybe he was. Either way, Tink's gone and dead to the world. I wipe my nose with the back of my hand.

Po. She's all I have left. The only friend still breathing. Still here. We should've never separated. She must be so scared. All alone. By herself. I have to get out of this cave. I must find her, she isn't safe on her own. I lift my head up and take a deep breath. I wipe any remainder of tears away. I have to do this. I have to be brave. For Po.

My ears perk up suddenly. There's something. . . Breathing, but it isn't just me. Someone or something else is in here with me. At first, i think it's Tink and panic, he might've followed me here. But, then, I remember how silently he appeared behind us, like he hadn't run after us. Like, he didn't need to breathe. Is it someone else then? Another tubby? I don't think there are other tubbies, other than me and my friends, but who knows? At this point, anything's possible.

I try to ignore it, as I feel my feet slip inwards and almost fall into a giant pit of nothingness. I let out a tiny shriek and back up as a few rocks tumble down into the black hole. I regain my breath and look over my back. It must be in my head, but is the breathing getting louder? Either way, I'll have to find another path to take. I'll never get past this pit, I can't even see the other side. Maybe there's a way around?

I turn around and take a right. There are lights here too, illuminating the way, which leads me to believe these don't create a specific pathway out, just light up the cave. Well, I hate the dark so I'm thankful for the light. I continued walking about the rocky maze, the breathing continuously getting more evident. It was approaching. What was "it"? Who was "it"? Didn't matter. It still puts my entire body on edge. But I kept going.

Ray of hope || by Elin MoonWhere stories live. Discover now