Chapter 13 : A Little Needed Advice

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Chapter 13 : A Little Needed Advice

I woke up in my hostel room, bright sunshine shining through the window, and turned in my bed to see Maykayla in the bed next to mine. The events of yesterday was still playing in my mind, conflicting with each other. I still wasn't sure what I was going to do. Maybe a little advice from my best friend was needed.

I got up from bed slowly, dragging my leg in its cast heavily behind me. I brushed my teeth, washed my face. I contemplated putting makeup on, but in the end I just put on some sun screen and curled my eyelashes, deciding to go natural today. I left my auburn hair down and wavy, pinning it to the side with a small black clip. I pulled on a midnight blue skinny tee, with grey shorts.

I had a date with Josh later, for lunch. It was now 9am. I probably had around 3 hours to spend with Makayla.

"Makaylaaaa" I singsonged, opening the blinds to their full potential. "Its time to get up!"

She groaned then buried her face deeper in her pillow, pulling the covers tighter around her. I laughed, then said, "Wake up in 10 minutes and I'll make your favourite blueberry pancakes. Low fat."

"Fine," she mumbled, "I'm getting up."

I chuckled, then headed downstairs, to the dancers' kitchen. I took out some flour, eggs, a little brown sugar, vanilla essence, low fat butter and a pack of blueberries, just bought yesterday. I began making pancakes, the delicious smell starting to fill the air.

Makayla entered the kitchen, her hair in a high bun, wearing an oversized off-shoulder pink top, with dance tights under it. She came over, and inhaled deeply, eying my growing plate of blueberry pancakes appreciatively. I pushed it towards her, still cooking more.

She grabbed two forks from a cabinet and another plate for me to serve the pancakes on. She began to eat them daintily, cutting them into small pieces and popping them into her mouth.

"Hey, Makayla?" I asked, one eye still on the cooking pancakes.

"Yeah?" she mumbled, still chewing a piece of pancake, "Jesus Alayna, these are heavenly."

I laughed, then said,"Thanks. But I need some advice. Care to listen?"

"Sure," she said, waving her fork around, "What are friends for? Go ahead."

I took a deep breath, and explained the whole mess between Josh, Niall and I. She knows why I harbor a deep hatred for Niall, knows about our past relationship and breakup.

When I finished, she popped her last piece of pancake into her mouth, chewing it thoughtfully. She swallowed, then said, "Well, you've gotten yourself into a little mess there haven't you."

I groaned and turned the stove off, grabbing my plate of pancakes. "Tell me about it."

"Lets start with the most important question: Do you still like Niall?" she asked bluntly.

I squirmed. "I-I don't know." I finally stammered out. .

She sighed. "You still do." She looked at me, narrowing her eyes slightly, then continued,"You can't forget about your relationship, the memories are too recent and fresh."

I look down. "Maybe."

"Definitely." she said, "But on the other hand you have sweet, cute Josh. Josh who loves you to the moon and back."

I nodded guiltily, eating another pancake.

"And you're super happy with him, and you love him too. But then these flashbacks of you and Niall's relationship keep popping up, cause youre constantly around him and therefore constantly reminded of you guys."

See, this is what I loved about Makayla. She was blunt, yet she saw everything as it was and was always a big help in any situation.

"You know what I think you should do?" she said, pointing her fork at me.

"I think you should just stay with Josh, cause lets face it : he's cute, and is probably the best boyfriend ever. You told him about Niall, and yeah he still trusts you."


She stood up, putting her plate in the sink. She patted my shoulder and said "Trust me on this kay? Stay with Josh, forget about Niall. It's not worth the complications."

I nodded, finishing my plate of pancakes. I stood and gave her a tight hug, which she returned.

"Thanks," I said, "I'm really glad we're friends Makayla."

"Me too," she replied, "Cause your pancakes? Heaven."

I laughed and slapped her playfully, heading upstairs to get ready for my date.

Makayla was right. Niall wasn't worth the complications, especially after what he did two years ago. I still don't have an explanation as to why he broke up with me, and now he had the nerve to make me feel guilty? I wasn't going to play along.

No way.


[A/N] HI GUYYYYSSS! I've been updating so much lately I'm proud of myself HAHA.

I like Makayla. She's funny. I WISH I HAD A REAL LIFE MAKAYLA.



Which means Lou's birthday in 7 days.



I'll stop now.


I love you guysss xxx

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