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' a picture of a thousand words '

' a picture of a thousand words '

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Me? If anything they would need someone with more information and not a spy in need of her next job. This whole thing felt like a holonovel.

"Me? Now why would they need a half-ass spy!" I shouted as Hald reached for my forearm and yanked me back to the cantina. The door was closed tightly behind me. Hald looked around the catina and in the back where the kitchen was. I tried to unlock the windows in the hopes of seeing what exactly is going on. 

"We need to get you out of here," He said as he held my wrist and wandered through the strangely large kitchen. From what I saw outside there were about a dozen X-wing fighters in the atmosphere along with the TIE fighters. I couldn't find the ship anywhere in the orange sky of Waln. All of this happening needed to have a proper answer, right? How did the Order know exactly when we would get here and come early. Our schedule changes constantly and we never know what we do for the day until it's the morning of that day. 

There had to be someone higher up that spilled the Naboo beans. Sorry, that was funny to me and only me. 

"Why the hell is your kitchen so damn huge?" I spewed. Most of the time I keep my questions to myself, but when your location has been compromised you lose parts of your facade. Keeping a tough act while you are being targeted isn't always easy. 

Hald let out a rough sounding laugh and let go of my wrist. 
"We're getting out of the town, for someone who is a spy you don't pay attention," He said. I pointed my finger at him. "Come on, I am technically on vacation." I gave him an eye roll as I followed slowly behind him. 

He stared at me. He knew something was up. Vacation time isn't what I do and most of the time I find a job to do instead of r&r. If anything most of my 'vacations' are just jobs waiting to happen. "Another hilarious thing that you said in under an hour, Asoan you never cease to surprise me," He admitted sarcastically. He opened what looked like a sewer entrance. I gave him a hard look. "You gotta be kidding me," I whispered as I followed Hald into the sewers. 

"This town has clean and filtered water, the water down here is as you would get in a lake." 

I nodded and took a look around the rather small area. The small turns we took were suffocating. For a while I thought I would be stuck forever. "Are you scared?" 
I stared at Hald's back while he asked me that question. I scoffed at him and explained that I wasn't rather happy about the small, damp sewers we were in. His shoulders slightly moved as he tried to look back. He gave up pretty quickly. I couldn't help but try and figure out how in the force did the Order find us? Surely I wasn't the only one they wanted. The reason for such an attack was something I intended to find out. I continued to stare at Hald's tall build. 
How did Hald know that the First Order was here for me? The intentions of the Order are rarely known by people in small outer rim planets, it made no sense to send ships and officers here weeks before we actually came unless I wasn't the only one wanted by the Order. I still didn't even know why they were after me. Hald announced we were at the end of the sewer route and we should be on the opposite side of the forest the one I came in a while back. He opened the door and held it for me. 

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