Entry Twelve: Between 395 A.D. and the invasion of the Ottoman Empire

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[395 A.D. was the fall of the Roman Empire, and the Ottomans invaded in the 1450s, but I kept getting flagged for too long of a title]

Is... is this my diary? I don't remember writing any of this... Herakles, my son, dragged this tattered set of parchments out of some cranny in the house, and it looks like my handwriting, though the words are not familiar. He's gotten so big, it's hard to believe how fast he has grown. If you don't know, I'm Greece—or am I Byzantine Empire now? I do not remember, my name has changed again, and I feel lost. I am no longer sure who I was. Years ago now, Rome got too big and fell apart, gone from this world now, and two of his grandsons are being passed around like nation-hot-potato. From what little I have seen of them, they are sweet little boys, especially the younger, Feliciano. I still remember my Greek heritage, or was it Hellas? I don't know what came first, I don't know what my culture was and what was forced upon me in conquest. So many of these pages are destroyed, I cannot piece together my past. I suppose what matters now is Herakles and keeping him safe from the Ottoman Empire. I am slowly seeing more Ottomans here in Greece, and they are getting increasingly hostile. I hope I do not have to fight, not when Herakles is so small, I don't want to risk leaving him alone in this world. I do not want him to end up like Rome's boys, passed around, changing hands all the time, being part of a new empire frequently. I hope to give Herakles something better, something of his own, but in order to do that, I have to keep him safe. I must go now, I have a lot to do as a mother, however, it was nice to take the time to journal to myself. 

Diary of Ancient Greece (HELLAS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora