Chapter 1

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Vothir opened his eyes. He was 6 years old, in the arms of his mother as she asked: 

"Do you want to hear a tale?"

"Yes, please!" He said (again).

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He was 14 when the thief robbed him in the street. 

"Stop!" He yelled, drawing upon some strange power (willpower). A second later, a powerful gust of wind threw the man into a pile of barrels. It felt... natural (Sloppy. Indelicate. Slow). He felt like he'd done this before, even though that couldn't possibly be true.

Vothir was 17 when his mother became sick. For some reason, he wasn't surprised. When she passed away, telling him to pursue his dreams, he felt only a pained resignation. As if he had known what was coming. He was confused with himself. He was supposed to feel sad, right? What kind of person didn't feel sad at his mother's deathbed?

Afterwards, the witch Tianna (Mentor, realist, dropout) taught him how to access his Arcanum. When he first tried it, he immediately connected. Tianna was dumbfounded at the speed with which he had accomplished it. 

After a few weeks of practice, he returned to Tianna and thanked her for her help. 

She laughed and said, "As if you needed any, you little genius. I wouldn't be suprised if you had already mastered the Mystery of Air!"

"Of course not." (PushThrowSlamPressurepeakRelentlessgustSecondwind) Vothir massaged his temples at the unfamiliar torrent of words.

Tianna smiled at him. "Well, off you go! Although, if you're sticking around, could you fetch an old woman a few herbs?"

After doing a few chores for Tianna, Vothir began travelling to the Monastery, but was interrupted by a loud cry from above. 


Vothir rushed over to see a man hiding in a tree (Kladir, obsessed, creepy) with a large wild boar jumping at him, trying to reach him. The boar smelled Vothir, turned and charged straight at him.

Vothir's instincts took over as he dodged the rampaging boar and Inspired it with Pressure Peak, a Unique-level Inspiration. The boar squeaked as the air around it compresses heavily before dissipating. (Weak). 

The boar ran away as quickly as possible, hoping to get away from that awful crushing sensation. Kladir -How did he know his name? jumped off the tree branch he was on and thanked Vothir before quickly heading off. Vothir stood there, trying to understand what had happened. He had never used any Inspiration other than Push before, and now he was using Pressure Peak? How did he know how to do that? He shook his head. Maybe the mages at the Monastery could help him (They can't).

At the monastery, Vothir looked up at the words engraved in the doors of the Monastery. Words he already knew. 

The only place where anyone with strong Will is always welcome.

He walked up to Master Erran (Teacher, advisor, friendHow did he know his name- and asked him if he could join the Order. After the Fairy was dealt with, as per Master Erran's instructions, he received a mission to apprehend a Slash dealer.

After several missions for the favor of the masters, Vothir found Troy in the Gardens sneaking a box of Slash. He asked him who gave it to him. When Troy shut up, Vothir narrowed his eyes and invoked Disruptive Interference, a Unique-level Inspiration of the Mystery of Energy. To cast it and still have willpower remaining, you would need to be one of the strongest mages in the world. 

Vothir felt no small strain on his magic, but completed the Inspiration, altering every cell in Troy's body. Troy shuddered as he felt his body being systematically rearranged. 
"Alright, Alright! It's Noxir. Today, he's selling this stuff in the Kitchen. You've got what you want, now leave me alone! You've ruined all the fun."

Vothir was prepared to confront Troy more or maybe even rough him up a bit, but nothing prepared him for the wave of raw hatred that surged through him at the name.


Vothir breathed in sharply as he saw a glimpse of a man clad in a strange armor with magic crackling around him, standing above the body of the Ascen-

"Hey, are you listening? I told you to leave me alone!" Troy glared at Vothir, and Vothir left without another word.

One conversation and a lot of threats later, he was on his way the Master Erran with evidence of Noxir's drug dealing. Erran seemed disturbed by the revelation, but went to arrest Noxir anyways (He's already gone). Unfortunately, Noxir had left the monastery after stealing an, ironically, useless artifact (It's not useless, not useless at all, you need to stop him!). Vothir chanted the oath of the Mage Order, the familiar (familiar?) words rolling off his tongue. Master Erran smiled and congratulated him, and told Vothir to report to Ascendant Zanthir. 

The name hit him like a bag of bricks. (Father figure, mentor, helper, leader, dead). He stumbled a bit, but straightened before anyone could notice. Vothir strode up the stairs, flashing his Mage Signet at anyone who tried to stop him. He walked into Ascendant Zanthir's (Erran's) room and asked Zanthir for his first assignment (Murdo, Naomi, Barty). He was to help the town of Morken, which was nearby. He traveled to Morken, and was again interrupted by a now-irritating voice. Vothir sighed and walked over to Kladir, who was arguing with a town guard. The guard saw you, and did a double take when he saw your robe. He stammered out a few apologies, which you waved off and confirmed that Kladir meant no harm. Kladir, with barely even a thank-you, was off once more, further increasing Vothir's annoyance.

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After the Kalpen incident and Issir's rampage, Vothir was quite famous.

So famous, in fact, that the orcs seemed to recognize him as he ripped through their patrols, something Vothir took great pride in. Eventually Gundun, the Chaos-Born himself came to challenge Vothir, along with a couple of Orc Destroyers. Vothir, wielding the Conqueror and wearing the Savager's Cry, tore the Destroyers to shreds with brutal efficiency, then moved on to Gundun. It was a long and hard battle, but Vothir knew Gundun's style thoroughly. How did he- 

After the battle, the entire field around them was reduced to smoldering ash, broken boulders, and cut-up or completely destroyed trees. Gundun rasped out a final taunt, mocking Vothir and his failure. (Run! Get to Zanthir!)

Vothir ran. He ran all the way the the Monastery, and sprinted up the stairs, coming face-to-face with Noxir, clad in a strange armor, magic crackling around him, standing over the body of Ascendant Zanthir. 

Noxir was a formidable foe, wielding the Mysteries of Fire, Air, and Earth. But Vothir was superior in terms of magic, wielding the Mysteries of Fire, Water, Air, Energy, Life, and Spirit to completely overwhelm him. (Turn around, make a shield, TURN AROUND!)

A powerful Magic Missile slammed Vothir across the room. As he tried to get up, another one smashed him against the wall. Proloc, the hero of mankind, the savior of the world, wanted revenge, and was going to use Vothir's body to get it. Vothir fought Proloc, their immense powers clashing, weakening the shielded walls of the Ascendant's Chambers. Massive bursts of flame exploded, powerful beams of energy flew across the room, ice shattered, sending shards all over the chambers, and the two souls fought each other directly for dominance. In the end, Vothir was victorious, and he ended Proloc's suffering. He then was offered a position as the new Ascendant, which he hesitantly accepted. 

After years of leading the Order, Vothir finally closed his eyes...

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Vothir opened his eyes. He was 6 years old, in the arms of his mother as she asked:

"Do you want to hear a tale?"

"Yes, please!" He said (again).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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