they don't remember the day they got here or the day they left. it's all been the same.
[name] had no knowledge of how much time had passed and what had happened outside of the library, nor did they care.
they were disoriented. confused. lost.
a never-ending labyrinth of shelves and shelves of books of different conditions; old, new, dusty, gloss matte, ancient, newly released, and even lost and destroyed works of art that would land a fortune in the underground.
[name] never thought about what language they knew, or what they could speak, or what they could write, understand, thought in— never. they just used it.
until the second they opened a foreign book, sitting innocently in a wooden corner shelf.
why did everything come so easily to them? this was.. italian? ragazzo meant boy in– what language? what did [name] speak? oh my, this is a problem. what language did they speak? maybe if they spoke it out loud?
oh heavens, no. never mind. no wonder their mouth felt so parched. it feels like they hadn't spoken ever since they were born. let's not try that again, [name]. it didn't work anyways. boy was just boy, they hadn't heard any other language besides whatever they were speaking right now.
[name] hesitantly read more. it was so easy! and the book was already getting interesting.
and before they knew it, [name] had finished the entire book, armed with the new knowledge of "italian".
they nearly forgot that they were trying to escape this strange place. [name] tried looking for an entrance or exit, or maybe a window (they learned that word in the book, it seems to be the clear material thing they've seen before- before where?).
nothing besides books- oh, wait. theres a clear space in the middle (middle of what? how far does this place go?)
what is that thing on the table? it's a basket? and some weird-looking black and yellow box thing?

"what is it you desire?"

a few hours had passed, and [name] discovered it was called a "walkman" (there were lots of labels on the side, so [name] just chose the word that sounded the most fitting)
and you put cassette tapes into it, and if they pressed the right button, something would happen, and a sound different than their voice would come out of it and say things, with more things in the back that pleased their ears.
[name] decided they liked this "walkman" thing very much, and continued to listen to the sounds on the first tape they put into the machine, which had a lot of light tanging sounds and a deep, masculine (signore, man, he remembers. much older than ragazzo, boy) voice in it.

[name] deducted they would be in this place for very long, so it would be best to understand it as much as possible.


swag oh yeah first chapter😩 i dont have a lot of ideas but i have the character in place, thinking about giving them a stand and trying to create one rn so anticipate some stand interactions woo hoo
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