Not Your Typical (K)Night

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Rosabella's POV

Today has been...weird to say the least. Daring, Dexter, Alistair and Bunny had spent the whole day looking for our friends. I was minding my business, doing some studying when I heard some books fall off of the shelves in the library. I jumped at the impact of each novel that fell to the ground and couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Instead of picking up all of the fallen titles, they observed them and left. I sigh before going to pick up the books so I can continue on with my day. 

Darling's POV

My life has been...weird to say the least. I don't know if it's from being raised with 2 brothers or if it's just the way I am but I've never been a "damsel in distress" type of princess. I've always been independent and smart enough to get myself out of trouble. And the idea of a prince to "complete me" just isn't very appealing. Honestly, I'd rather be the knight and not in a switch roles type way but rather I save all the princesses before the princes get a chance. Which is why I am in a very intense battle with the Red Knight. He was given orders to make sure the girls didn't make it to the Queen of Hearts. If I didn't want all of Wonderland to be endangered, I had to stall for as long as I could. 

"Give up, White Knight. I'm under orders and you won't stop me from carrying those orders out," the Red Knight declares from behind his helmet. Even though the helmets lower your voice, I didn't think mine would get lowered enough to pass as a guy but I was grateful that it did.

"I will not let you stop those girls," I bellow back to him. Our swords clash as we continue jousting on our horses. He's advancing but I'm holding him back, hopefully buying my friend's the time they need. 'Please hurry.'

Time skip brought to you by Earl Grey

This guy does not give up! We've been at this for hours and I wasn't sure if the girls succeeded in their mission yet. We got so carried away, I didn't realize where we were or how late it was. We keep dueling down a hall made of cards into a grand ballroom filled with people. Chase almost knocks into some bystanders but they get out of the way in the nick of time. I kick the Red Knight in his chest so we can end this and he falls on the ground with an "oomph."

"All right, I yield! You win," he sighs defeatedly while I smile behind my headgear. After picking himself off the ground, he rambles in awe, "What a knight! What skill! What power! What manner of man are you?" I roll my eyes. Of course he thinks I'm a man. Everyone in the room turns their attention to me expectantly (why was Maddie so tall?) 

I guess it's time to come clean. "Actually, I am no matter of man," I announce, removing my helmet. My curls cascade over my shoulders like a blue and white waterfall. "I'm a girl!"

Rosabella's POV 



'Oh man, she looks really pretty in that armor. What am I thinking? I'm not supposed to find her attractive. She's not a part of my story, she's not a beast (unless you count the way she beat the knight in the red armor) and she is definitely not a prince! So...why do I feel this way? I know I've always had a thing for chivalry but I still should not be feeling like this about my girl friend.'

"I guess you'd all like an explanation of what I've been up to," her voice sounds like honey as she speaks. 

'Did she always sound that sweet?' 

She steps out of the hydraulic armor with a little bounce in her step, making her hair spring with her. "Well, sorry, but that story's best told another day. I believe right now, it's time to party!" Darling starts mingling into the crowd, dancing with everyone as I watch from the refreshment table. 

"Hey, are you alright? Why aren't you partying? And why are you so red?" Maddie asks. I really hope her height is something I don't have to get used to. 

"Oh," I chuckle nervously, "I'm just a little hot, so I'm, you know, drinking punch and taking a break," I answer, raising my cup. She shrugs and skips away, leaving me alone once again. The whole night I watch Darling dance, wanting to dance but feeling too nervous to join in. I know to all the other guests I'm just dancing with my friends but to me, I'm dancing with Prince Charming's only daughter. So instead of dancing like I want to, I stand by myself until the party is over.

Darling's POV

I was having a good time at the party, dancing with my friends and some Wonderlandians. While I was twirling around, I see Rosabella just lingering near the punch bowl. For a second, I thought I caught her staring but I must've been seeing things because clearly she was refilling her drink, only facing my direction for a split second before turning around. I wonder why my roomie is alone and not enjoying herself like the rest of us. I'm about to check on her when I get pulled into a hug by my brother, Dexter Charming. Daring is right behind him but he's looking in a mirror. I didn't mean to worry my brother and I owe it to him to let him know what's been happening. I turn around to make sure Rosabella is still in the same spot and I see Maddie talking to her. 'She'll be okay.'

So talking to Dexter took way longer than I thought. The party came to an end and we weren't done with our conversation just yet. I wanted to find Rosabella and make sure she was alright but she wasn't in my line of sight. 'She must've went ahead. I'll just see if she's okay when I get back to our room.' My brother tapped me on the shoulder, bringing me back to reality. When he asked about it, I just wrote my weird mood off as exhaustion and started heading back to our world. 

Earl Grey has declared another time skip

Rosabella's POV

I was finally back in my room that I shared with Darling. She wasn't here yet so I decided to pull out my mirror phone and start looking up possibilities for the way I was feeling. Maybe I was sick and just delirious. Yeah, that had to be it. I started looking up things like "why do I like my best friend?" and "can I like girls if I'm a girl?" The second was a lot more helpful. Some things started popping up with LGBT+ and lesbians and all of that. I knew I wasn't a lesbian, I've liked guys before. As I keep scrolling, I come across an article that says Bisexual VS Pansexual. I know bi was a prefix for 2 but I didn't know what pan was. I click on the link, hoping to find some answers about this foreign feeling in the pit of my chest. Adjusting my glasses I begin to read the passage that begins with the explanation of bisexuality. The term is a little misleading considering you can be attracted to all genders and not 2? I didn't know there were more than 2. I'm about to read on when I jump out of my skin at the sound of the door opening. Darling's back. 

"Rosabella! Are you alright?" she asks, approaching me then taking a seat on my bed. "Why weren't you having fun at the party?" She inches closer and puts her hand on my knee as a way of telling me I can vent if I want to. I feel my cheeks turn red and the blush crawl to my ears and neck. Darling tilts her head in concern and puts her hand to my forehead. "You're a little red, how about you get ready for bed and lie down?" I nodded, my brain short-circuiting on me. She goes to her side of the room and starts undressing and my face flushes even more. She has an adorable shape like all of the other girls here. Even so, I've never felt this way about any of the others. I avert my eyes and turn around to undress myself. I rummage through my closet, looking for a nightgown to wear to sleep. I pull back my duvet and slide into bed, resting my head on my pillow. Darling claps twice to turn off the lights, bidding me good night.

My Darling In Shining Armor (Darling X Rosabella)-Ever After HighTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang