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B.A.U Baddies 😉

Chocolate Thunder🍫: We should play a game.

Pen🐱💕: What kind of game?

El🤍🍒: I'm down for a game!

Barbie💘: ^

Wlw Prentiss🪴: ^

Boy Wonder📚: Depends on the game.

Mom🏠💸: ^

Dad🚀: ^

Chocolate Thunder🍫: 20 questions.

El🤍🍒: Explain how to play?

Chocolate Thunder🍫: You just ask Questions!

Pen🐱💕: Let's play! Who's starting us off?

El🤍🍒: I will. "If you could sleep with anyone from the team would it be?"

Barbie💘: Emily hands down.

Wlw Prentiss🪴: Baby we already did that, but yeah JJ.

Boy Wonder📚: Elle.

Pen🐱💕: Derek.

Mom🏠💸: Erin.

El🤍🍒: Gross but Spencer.

Dad🚀: Respectively none of you.

Chocolate Thunder🍫: I love all of you but Babygirl is my number one.

Wlw Prentiss🪴: I'm next. If you could be any animal what would it be?

Pen🐱💕: Baby fluffy cow!!

Chocolate Thunder🍫: Snake.

Barbie💘: Jellyfish.

Boy Wonder📚: A golden retriever.

El🤍🍒: A Tiger.

Mom🏠💸: Something rich.

Dad🚀: Great White Shark.

Wlw Prentiss🪴: Turtle

Chocolate Thunder🍫: Next Question If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Boy Wonder📚: More Phd's.

Dad🚀: How much time I spend with Jack and Haley.

Barbie💘: My Style.

Wlw Prentiss🪴: My nose.

Pen🐱💕: Nothing!!!

Barbie💘: I love your nose!

El🤍🍒: I would play video games more.

Chocolate Thunder🍫: I'd get better at Kicking down doors.

Mom🏠💸: A stable marriage.

El🤍🍒: Let me change the mood, What do you love most about yourself?

Barbie💘: My eyes.

Pen🐱💕: My ability too make everything seem better then it is!

Mom🏠💸: Being Italian.

Wlw Prentiss🪴: How I am with kids.

Boy Wonder📚: How fast I can read.

El🤍🍒: My Hair.

Chocolate Thunder🍫: My smile.

Dad🚀: My leadership skills.

Boy Wonder📚: What would you do with your last day on earth?

Pen🐱💕: Spend my day with you guys or at the local humane society.

Chocolate Thunder🍫: In chicago with my mom and sisters.

Boy wonder📚: I would also spend it with my mom.

Wlw Prentiss🪴: In bed watching movies with JJ while I hold her.

Barbie💘: ^Yeah that.

Dad🚀: Baking cookies with jack or playing superhero's with him.

Mom🏠💸: I would make pasta and smoke a cigar.

El🤍🍒: I would just sit in a local coffee shop with a book and music playing.

Pen🐱💕: My turn!!! What do you find attractive about each sex?

El🤍🍒: females: long hair. males: long hair.

Chocolate Thunder🍫: Females: Confidence. Males: Nice teeth.

Boy Wonder📚: Females: Shorter then me. Males: Taller then me.

Wlw Prentiss🪴: Females: Light eyes. Males: Nothing.

Dad🚀: Females: Nice Personality. Males: If they smell nice.

Blondie💘: Females: Bigger nose then me. Males: Accent's.

Pen🐱💕: Females: Light eyes. Males: Dark eyes.

Mom🏠💸: Females: Marriage. Males: Younger.

Dad🚀: Guess it's my turn, What makes you most vulnerable?

Boy Wonder📚: I would rather not say.

Pen🧚‍♀️🐱💕: I trust people too fast.

Wlw Prentiss🪴: My Mom.

Dad👨: Jack.

Chocolate Thunder🍫: My childhood.

Barbie💘: Kids.

Mom🏠💸: Marriage.

El🤍🍒: Bad people that get there way.

Barbie💘: What's your favorite song?

Chocolate Thunder🍫: Dem jeans by Chingy.

Boy Wonder📚: I don't have one.

Mom🏠💸: Hound dog by Elvis Presley.

Wlw Prentiss🪴: Blackbird by The Beatles.

Pen🐱💕:  Bubble Gum by Clario.

El🤍🍒: Streets by Doja Cat.

Dad👨: Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood.

Barbie💘: Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons.

Boy Wonder📚: Goodbye you guys. I have a date.

                  Boy Wonder📚 has left the chat.

Chocolate thunder🍫: OH MY A DATE?!?!

Wlw Prentiss🪴: GET SOME REID!!!


Dad🚀: Prentiss and Greenaway stop with the inappropriate comments.

Barbie💘: Good job Spence!

Mom🏠💸: Tell as all about it once your ready kiddo!

Pen🐱💕: You have a date and you DIDNT let me run a background check, have we not learned yet?

Barbie💘: Woah pen, I don't like remembering that.

Pen🐱💕: I know but still. He should have asked me.

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