chapter 1

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My life had always been average, I was just another teenager trying to survive the mess that you call highschool . my mother and younger brother had died in a car accident when I was 5. Ever since my father had looked after me alone trying to do the best for me.  he had just  told me we where moving to a small town in decoder I hadn't been the most social person it didn't help that they portrayed me as a loner a freak even at my high school. So I wasn't very effected by the sudden news.

2 weeks later

I had finished packing my stuff in  boxes and labelled the ones I didn't need. I looked around my now empty room I had a a lot of memories here both bittersweet and sad memories of my mum Waking me up before school every day my brother jumping on my bed while I yelled at him to get down . The day my dad had brought me home from being in hospital for a month .coming home from my mother and brothers funeral . What I wouldn't give to have even a moment with them . To tell them how much I loved them . How I missed them how much dad missed hold them one last time.  But I would never have that honor.

I looked at the mirror ,the only thing on the now blank wall,my Ravin hair reached my back in soft waves a shock against my ivory skin, my black eyes held emptyness I wasn't tall I was a bit on the shorter side but I had a curvy shape hid in the folds of my baggy clothes covering the pink purple scars that ran along my arms and thighs, a siclent sob left my mouth my shoulders shook violently tears cascaded down my face '' HELLL! ARE YOU READY TO LEAVE!"my father yelled his steps becoming louder as he scaled the stairs I quickly wiped my face "YEAH" I yelled back "I'm coming"

A/N OMSSSSSSS first chapters out sorry it's so short I didn't know how to start the book a little bit about me I am Australian and a junior in high school I love drawing and art so expect to see some of my art for pictures and I love writing bye loves I hope to see you read the next chapter

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