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You woke up in your bed disoriented. You don't exactly remember when you went to sleep, but you guess you don't mind. Once you got did your morning routine, you decided go out for lunch. It was around 12:00, so it was the perfect time to do so. You made sure to grab everything you needed and set out to find a good lunch spot.

As soon as you turned the corner of your block you ran into someone. Thankfully you didn't fall back, but the other person did.

'Great not even ten minutes out of the house'

You quickly recovered from the slight shock and tried to help the person up. As you held out your hand and mumbled an apology, you took in his features. He had blue hair under his hat and looked slightly taller than you. Before you could take in anymore details, he took your hand. It was surprisingly soft. Snapping out of your thoughts, you apologized once again.

"I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, sorry"

When you looked to see the boy's reaction to your apology you could see he wasn't paying attention to what you were saying. Instead he was looking at your hoodie with a smile on his face. It was black and white with the team Danganronpa symbol in the middle. You honestly didn't think much of it. You watched the show from time to time, but you were only a casual fan. But the boy in front of you was not just casual, he was a fanatic.

"So do you like Danganronpa too!"

Unfortunately, you didn't know that until it was too late. So you sealed your temporary fate with one answer.

"Yeah, im assuming you do too huh"

Now, fifteen minutes and a ramble later, you were being dragged to one of his friends house. How the situation escalated so fast in such a short amount of time? You had no clue. Did you mention how he never let go of your hand? You never felt so unfortunate in your life. Of course you could just kick him and run for it, but curiosity killed the cat and you sure as hell intended to have the satisfaction that brought it back. You needed to see where he was going.

As stupid as it seemed, he was going back from where you came. You needed to know which one of your neighbors to avoid, the last thing you needed was to get involved with another burden.

You couldn't help but feel your blood chill once you both turned to Kokichi's Street. No way. You had to ask.

"Hey, is the person's house we're going to named Kokichi?"

A excited wide smile spread across his face as he turned to you.

"Great! You already know him, you even used his first name so you two must be close maybe we can-"

You tuned him out before you hear his rambling. Kokichi knows this guy? Why, how, most importantly where. God you hoped he wouldn't pester you if he went to your school. Before you could get any farther into your thoughts you were at the front of Kokichi's house. Your nerves began to catch up with you as the blue haired boy rung the doorbell. The blue haired boy was actually quite for a few seconds. The silence felt so loud.

After a few seconds of silence the door opened. Much to your surprise, kokichi didn't look too worse for where. Though he did look visibly shocked, but you can't blame him you would be too. Before you or Kokichi could get a word out blue began to speak. You were listening to none of it, you were too focused on Kokichi's expression.

He was looking down, but not at the ground. He was looking at blue and yours, still for some reason, intertwined hands. His was expressionless, even his breathing seemed to still. Before you could ask if Kokichi was okay, blue caught both of your attention.

"So are you coming?"

Kokichi slightly flinched and answered.

"Uh, yeah"

Kokichi stepped out if his house and closed the door behind him. You began your journey to God knows where. Throughout the walk you kept discreetly glacing at Kokichi. He seemed bothered by your handholding. Though thankfully as if on cue, blue let go if your hand. Man, you needed to learn his name soon

"Oh sorry about that, I forgot that I grabbed your hand"

Usually you'd think that's a hard thing to do but with his constant speaking it seemed plausible. You noticed that Kokichi seemed less tense as well. You saw this as a perfect opportunity to mess with him. After a few seconds of blue letting go of your hand, you grabbed Kokichi's. Much to your astonishment his face didn't completely flush as you were use to. He just partially flushed as he squeezed your hand. At brought a small blush to your face.

You were subtlety shocked. He's never acted like that before and it completely caught you off guard.

"We're here!"

Blue spoke excitedly.

You looked around, you were so caught up in everything else that you didn't fully pay attention to your surroundings. You were in front of a big house in a rich neighborhood.


What were you doing where? Your question was quickly answered once he pulled out, presumably, his key.

'Oh, so not only is he a fanboy, he's a rich one at that. Spectacular.'

You looked at Kokichi to see his reaction, he looked completely use to it. Ignoring your small pang of jealousy you made you way into the house. It looked even bigger on the inside than it did on the outside. You kept your awe on the inside. Blue led you and Kokichi to his room.

His room was almost as big as your living room. It was surprisingly clean as well. As soon as you sat down blue asked you a question.

"So who's your favorite character? Mine is Kirigiri because.... her character arc is..... even her character design..."

You were only partially listening as you whispered a question to Kokichi.

"What's his name? He never told me"

A look of shock flashed on his face before he answered.

"It's Saihara, Shuichi Saihara"

'Nice name'

Though as nice as you thought his name was you dreaded the fact that you were going to be stuck here for a, presumably, long time. You quietly groaned as you rested your head on your hand.

°Maybe you should've taken a detour°

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