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Today was like every other day, I woke up half an hour late, jumped out of bed put some new clothes on, yelled a goodbye to Aunt May and sprinted towards the bus station, located on the other end of the street. As I got there the doors were closing but I still managed to slip in. With a disapproving look from the bus driver I went to sit down. When I finally caught my breath I put my headphones in and listened to some ACDC.

~time skip to AcaDec team practice~
After lunch I was heading to Decathlon practice so I won't be late again. I went through the door and saw what some people might consider as normal but my Spidey sense told me that something was off.

pov switches constantly between peter and author so sorry

Mr. Harrington (sry, don't like this man so he's gonna be shitty towards peter), their representive teacher wasn't there yet so he had enough time to unpack his books. The young spider let himself fall into a beanbag between Ned and MJ, as they already went to practice a little early and he still wanted to finish his food. enhanced metabolism and all.
He opened his backpack and took out a physics lecture. While he was reading, Ned blabbed on and on about stuff that went on his mind, from AcaDec practice to his newest Lego Star Wars. Everything was included as far as i noticed, but neither me nor MJ were really listening. The moment I was about to turn onto the next page the hair on my neck stood up. Not the someone wants to kill me kind of type but the something bad is gonna happen in the next few minutes type. On cue Flash walked in following my beloved teacher Mr. Harrington. He went to the front and started taking attendance.
Mr. H: "Good. Everyone's here. Let's start with a few question rounds but before i forget we're going on a field trip this Friday. It's going to take all day and you will be back at school at 0around five."
„Where will we go?", Cindy asked. „That's the best part we're going on a trip to one of the greatest, economical important building in the past decades. We go to Stark/Avengers Tower!"
Everybody, and when I say everybody I mean everyone except MJ and Peter, broke out in cheers excitedly talking to the people closest to them.
Meanwhile Peter thoughts were going haywire. „shit." was the only thing he said. Peters a smart person which means he already calculated every possible outcome and I may tell you none of them was positive. It either ended with them noticing Peter wasn't just an intern or them finding out his secret identity. He must have looked puzzled enough that MJ got out her „people in crisis" sketchbook and started aggressively sketching his face.
„Hey, Penis Parker, wanna help me dig you a whole, cause you gonna need it when everyone finds out about your "internship"." *evil laugh*

~~~~timeskipedy skip skip~~~~

Today is Friday aka the day of my doom and I am sitting in the front row of your typical yellow 90s school-bus. I don't even know how they still work, they're like fossils and should be part of the Smithsonian. I guess to pick up some high schoolers it's enough anyways. Flash and his goons naturally sit in the back like all the cool kids our age would.
The bus was going to take off when Ned jumped in, I felt a rush of relief going through my whole body. He sat down next to me and started rambling about how amazing the Tower was going to be. You see I never took him with me to the tower but he knows i nearly live there. Mj was sitting in the row next to us and drawing in her crisis notebook and having a book laying in her lab.

(was wird passieren ? wird tony einen auf spideydad machen und romanoff einen auf spideyaunt ? we'll never know ¯\_()_/¯will he fall in love with flash ? hopefully not ! wird Loki kommen maybe . was wir passieren ? dass und vieles mehr seht ihr wenn ihr das nächste mal einschaltet 😉✨) ~that's what a friend of mine wrote and I am just gonna leave it here. it switches between english and german sry.

I guess I am the prospect of what MJ is drawing 'cause i feel my head literally malfunctioning. I wasn't at the tower for a couple of days, or lets say since we found out about the field trip sense I have no clue what Mr. Stark is up to which is i might say baaaad. I must have been deep in thought because I didn't notice the bus stopping or Flash shouting my usual menu of curse words towards me. Until Ned tipped my shoulder and laid his head sideways as a term of asking 'whats up?'. Once again i sighed and shook my head. I caught myself doing it a lot recently, the sighing i mean.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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