Part 1

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As society will have you believe the rich are the highest in the community and the poor are looked down upon, what if it wasn't like that what if by weird coincidence it was ranks of Titan, Warlock, Hunters and Ciphers maybe that's what we needed in this society maybe a course of order.

This story begins 4 days before Halloween and where everything changed for the better or maybe the worst only the hands of time will tell.

4 days before Halloween

Just a normal day with a group of 4 friends or lovers (who knows yet) are off to celebrate a nice evening to celebrate 100,000 years of knowing eachother (if you want a back story of them meeting lmk and I will do so)

All four of them went into The Rusty Nail for a few drinks and to reminisce on there life together it's been a struggle for all of them but each one had a secret from the others (which we will get to another time) but they all held true to there promise all those years back when they met eachother "no matter what time, place or century they would always be there for eachother" and now your probably thinking 100,000 years ago they met how is this even possible? Remember all four of them have a secret and maybe that's where u will find out what it is.

They went through so many years of remembering that it fell to midnight as they all left they all said there goodbyes and went there separate ways.

Will they meet up again or don't they have to wait for it?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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