Talk To Me

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It was around 1am when Richies dreams were inturupted by a noise on his window. He slowly woke up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and looked at the window to examine what the noise was coming from, when he looked he saw Eddie on his roof tapping at the window.

"Ed's what the hell are you doing here?" Richie asked concerned as he let the boy in.

Once Richie got a good look at him he realized Eddie was crying and had bruises on himself.

"I-I my-" Eddie tried to speak but his lungs were burning to much to let him get enough air in to get anything out.

Richie gently picked Eddie up and sat on his bed with Eddie in his arms. "Shh Eddie your okay, your safe with me."

Eddie felt one of Richie's hands slowly rub his back while the other played with his hair and he started feeling calmer. As Richie spoke sweet and comforting things to Eddie in a quiet voice he just rested his head on Richie's chest and held on tight to him.

"Hey Ed's are you feeling any better?" Richie asked in a whisper as he hugged Eddie close.

Eddie just nodded in his chest then spoke "Can you lay down with me?"

Richie didn't have to think twice about that question,  he quickly laid both him and Eddie down and wrapped them up in a blanket.

"Thanks Chee." Eddie spoke softly as he cuddled up to Richies side with his head over Richies heart.

"For what?" Richie asked as red crept on his face from the situation he was in with Eddie.

"For helping me." Eddie told him as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Ed's you don't have to thank me for that." Richie told him as he started playing with the boys messy hair.

After a few minutes Richie suddenly asked "How'd you get your bruises?"

Eddie visibly tensed at that question and his breathing started to speed up again so he distanced himself from Richie.

"Ed's im sorry its just- You know you can talk to me right?" Richie scooted closer to Eddie who was curling in on himself.

"R-Richie" Eddie gasped u struggling to get air in his lungs as he uncurled from himself trying to reach out for something.

"Hey, hey, your okay. Its just me here, its just me." Richie spoke on the verge of tears as he cupped his crushes face in his hands.

"I- I cant- My mom R-Rich." Eddie rushed out as he began regaining his breath.

Richie decided on moving Eddie to sit on his lap so that the smaller boy was curled up in his arms. "Hey its okay, you'd don't have to talk to me right now. We can talk whenever you want to, ill be here when your ready."

"Thanks Chee, can we go to bed now? Im really tired." Eddie asked in a very soft voice that Richie found adorable.

"Of course Eds, do you need anything before we sleep though?" Richie questioned as he moved Eddie from his lap.

"A hoodie please." Richie quickly got up and grabbed his favorite hoodie from his dresser than gave it to Eddie. 

Once both boys were ready to go to bed they laid down side by side. Eddie slept on his side enjoying the scent from Richie's hoodie and his bedding that made him feel at home as Richie just enjoyed the company of Eddie besides him. 

"I love you Eds." Richie whispered as he looked at the boy who he thought was sleeping.

Without hesitation Eddie curled into Richie's side to rest his head on the boys chest and said back "I love you too."

Richie found his hands playing with Eddies messy hair until they were both asleep happily in one anothers arms.


A/N uhh this aint great but like hope you enjoyedd :) have a good night or morning, have a good life

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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