oh boy

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Word Count: 1,668

Warnings: Language


Driving through the countryside was the only thing that brought you solace. You'd make your way through the winding country roads while blasting whatever music brought you joy. Most days you'd only spend half an hour unwinding before you pulled back into your driveway, but today you found yourself exploring new roads. It wasn't typical that you'd stray out of your usual path, but today you were feeling yourself. The music was good and the breeze blowing through your windows was even better. The old clunker that you called your own wasn't trustworthy enough for this particular trip. Hell, it wasn't trustworthy for many trips. The A/C had busted long before you bought it. Getting it running was a feet that your father never let you forget, but it was worth it. At least that's what you thought.

Without A/C, you always needed to drive with your windows down. Your new route took you much deeper into the countryside than you would have imagined. The only thing ahead was roads, and each window gave you a perfect view of the rolling fields. Your hand clenched the clutch as you accelerated. You frowned as you felt the car lose power. Instead of rising, the odometer slowly fell. You cursed and brought the car to the side of the road. It wasn't unusual for the car to stall out, you still hadn't gotten the hang of driving stick, but this was different. The car simply wouldn't run.

"Fuck," you grumbled running a hand through your tangled hair.

The sweat from your forehead left your fingers sticky. You furiously ran through your options. There had been a farm five miles back, but even if you started walking now you wouldn't reach it before sunset. You couldn't even guarantee that it wasn't abandoned. The road was straight on, so you were positive that walking forward wasn't an option either. You were right fucked, and hoped that maybe someone would drive by. You pushed the gas one more time, the car inched forward before stopping once again. It was hopeless.

"What the hell." The sound of your slamming door broke the silence. "Well good job Y/N, stranded in the middle of no where. Let's hope the aliens take a day off."

The sky was mystifying. You dozed off staring into the stars. Suddenly you were ripped from your peace when you heard a car speeding in the distance. Your entire body flew up as you ran waving to the road.

"Screw you asshole!" You shook your fist as the car just sped by you going well over 90. "This is just great." You cursed walking back to your spot in the grass.

The silence was short lived as the black car sped back towards you and screeched to a halt. It seemed to take years for the window to roll down and reveal none other than Billy Hargrove.

"Well if it isn't the Keg King himself." You retorted into the Spring air.

"Y/N Y/L/N." His lips curled into his signature smirk.

Silence followed as he slowly took a draw from his cigarette.

"What can I do for you?" He found much more humor in the situation than you did.

Oh how you wanted to reply sarcastically, but it was starting to get cold and you really had no other options. "I seem to have run out of gas."

His door opened and closed as he made his way over to your vehicle. "Keys," he demanded.

You squinted your eyes and slipped the keys into his hand. His blue eyes stared into your own, the smirk still playing on his lips. He closed his fingers engulfing your much smaller hand within his own. Rolling your eyes, you pulled your hand away. His charming bad boy persona may work on the vast majority of Hawkins residents, but it didn't work on you. But as he slipped into the drivers seat of you car you couldn't help but appreciate how damn attractive he was. He continued to puff on his cigarette as he toyed with the vehicle. Suddenly he was hovering over you, and breathing out smoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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