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Chelsea POV


I heard a high pitched voice shouting from down the hall as I took my books from my locker. It was Tiffany. My best friend since childhood. Being from Queens,New York(Trinidad originally) it was definetly her.

"Wassup Tiffy?" I ran towards her while slamming the locker and throwing down my book and bag to hug her.

"I missed you" we said in unison

We had just returned from the Christmas break and it felt like forever. She left a couple weeks earlier than everybody else because she went to spend the holidays with her family in Trinidad.

"How was Trinidad?" I asked while letting her go

"Girrrl!!, It was bomb!!" She twirled as she answered me, "Got me a bae and shit"

"You haven't changed a bit," "Still cursing for every other word in your sentence" I joked as I took up my bag.

"Shut up church girl"

We both laughed. Even though I wasn't a church going individual, I was still prim,proper and pure. I was the only virgin in my class and the only one who doesn't have a boyfriend to kiss in the halls. I was the certified third wheel of Crenshaw High.

"So, when you gon' let a nigga cuff you?" Tiffany provoked while we walked to class

"Whenever a guy meets my standards," "ALL my standards." I was sure to emphasize "all"

"You gon' die alone," "Sometimes if you don't get Starbucks, you gotta just have to take the Dunken Donuts coffee." She made reference to coffee, her fav drink and me settling for less than I deserve. I ignored her and kept walking.

"I know you hear me" she said while hitting me on the shoulder.

"Ouch!!!" Wailing in pain, I tried to change the topic.

"So tell me about this bae you found"

"He,Omar, from here but he vacationed in Trinidad"

"Ayyye, good for you" I was excited and jealous all at the same time.

"I'll tell you more after class,we late" tiffany said while she grabbed my hand and we raced to class.

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