Chapter 7

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Meredith spent the majority of the day visiting teaching sites and listening to skilled surgeons brag about their successes. She left the room with nothing but her phone and two key cards. Her face unlocked the device and she scrolled through her contacts to find the one person that could cheer her up.

"Did she kill herself?" The dark woman answered the phone.

"Cristina it's me." Meredith replied. "Everything sucks."

"Mer I have a surgery in 10 minutes that I need to scrub for." She said in a hurry. "Sex. When dark and twisty and nowhere else to turn, go with sex!" They hung up the phone and Meredith contemplated her next call.

"When dark and twisty and nowhere else to turn, go with sex." She repeated to herself. To her surprise, the person that she called didn't pick up. Meredith got on the nearest elevator and thought to herself. "I have two choices. Go back to my room and argue with a douche, or orgasm." Little did she know she wasn't talking to herself.

"I say orgasm." The stranger who was on the other side of the elevator chimed in.

Meredith had embarrassed herself for the third time since she'd been on this trip. But they were right. She got off on the floor beneath hers and made her way to a room. 295 was the door number that matched the card in her hand. She stuck it into the slot and opened the door.

"Mark, this day is terrible." She let the door close behind her and pulled her green t-shirt off of her body. "I need some cheering up." Her voice seductive as she untied her sweats and pulled them off of her legs. Mark wasn't like Derek had described him. He treated her right. If she called him at wild hours to talk about all the problems in her life he'd listen. And the sex. That was the cherry on top of the icing. However, when she opened the door to his bedroom, all of that felt like crap.

"Grey!" He proclaimed and covered himself with the blanket, not worrying about the naked woman on the side of him.

"What the hell Mark?" Her feelings of betrayal were evident in her voice. The young girl sitting up next to him had her arms around her chest and she looked as if she'd seen a ghost. Nobody said a word until Mark broke the silence.

"Well this is awkward." He looked back and forth between the two woman.

"Unbelievable." Meredith grabbed her pair of sweats and shirt and threw them back on before slamming the door to the room and getting back on the elevator. The bar was the first place that came to mind. She pressed the button for the lobby and made her way to the overpriced liquor. "Tequila, keep em coming." She told the charming man behind the desk who, like most people, were astonished by her beauty.

"You got it." Her shot glass clinked the table and she hopped onto the barstool, eying the clear substance pouring into her cup. Meredith threw it back immediately and set it back down, gesturing for more.

"Wow." The man serving her was shocked. "A girl like you, I'd think you were more of a wine drinker?" His squared teeth made an appearance.

"Wine is what you have at a dinner party." She shook her head and tossed the second shot back. "Tequila is more of a 'my boyfriend just had sex with another woman after being with me all day' type of drink." She slid the cup forward once more.

Not knowing what to say, the bartender shook his head and poured another drink.

"What?" Meredith read his expression and wanted to know the reasoning.

He hesitated. "I, well I could never imagine anyone choosing someone else over you." He shrugged his shoulders.

"You'd be surprised." Thoughts of the man she couldn't seem to get out of her head appeared again. Why couldn't she stop thinking about him?

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