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The sun was just shy of rising when Marco woke. He took his time to get ready for the day, knowing the only people awake were those on watch from the night before. He left his room and made his way to the deck, already running through the tasks he needed to finish today.

The sunrise stopped him just before he sat down in the bird's nest, having let his mind wander enough that he got there by muscle memory.

Marco watched the sun break through the dark sky, still just as beautiful as the first time he watched it rise while out at sea. Letting himself relax with the sunrise, he thought about the previous night and conversation, or lack of, with Ace.

He knew that there was something else going on with Ace, evident in the questions he asked, and his overall delay in reactions. Ace knew something, and wasn't saying it outright. That wasn't the problem. Ace knew something, but was holding onto it.

Marco knew all too well what that does to someone. He himself had done just that, up until he decided to indulge Thatch's questions and sake that one night long ago.

Thatch had been surprised to say the least. Marco knew better than to tell Thatch his retelling was done purposefully, needing to confess to someone. He knew the cook would try to approach him and he would never be strong enough to talk about it.

Although it didn't free him from the pain, it had given him back some of his heart that left him on that day.

He knew he needed to talk to Ace before he kept himself in the same prison Marco did for so long.

By the time Marco had realized he spaced out, the sun was well above the horizon, its yellows and oranges illuminating the sky and crewmates beginning to mingle about the deck.

Marco sat down and began his work, choosing to once again stay in the crow's nest instead of his office to wait for a certain fire user to come out.


Ace grumbled to himself as he made his way to the mess hall, grouchy from his lack of sleep. After Marco had left him with his mouth gaping on the deck, he went to his room only to be kept awake with his thoughts running wild.

He continually ran through their conversation, trying, and failing, to understand what had happened. One thing was for sure,

Marco had no idea. Or, he did and was waiting for something, though he didn't know what.

Ace sighed as he ate his breakfast, slower than normal with its lack of gusto. He waved at crewmates who greeted him in passing, though mostly kept to himself. He didn't know if he should be glad that he was still in control of the situation, though his control seemed to lessen the longer this went on. The realization that he did like Marco had changed the game.

Thanking whatever God there was, Ace finished his breakfast without Thatch or another commander cornering him into talking.

After collecting himself, he made his way to the deck. With a renewed energy and mission, Ace was on a hunt to find and throttle Thatch. He started this whole mess with his offhand comment, and it was time for him to feel the wrath of Ace's built up anger.

Making his way on the deck, Ace was immediately about to tell that Marco was up in the crow's nest. He stopped briefly, before scanning the deck for Thatch. A strange feeling in his chest built up, but Ace ignored it as he found Thatch and Izou talking together across the deck from him.

As if he could sense Ace's stare, Izou turned and looked in Ace's direction, Thatch still obvious to his fate.

Ace let his head tilt slightly down, his eyes still locked on Thatch as he strode towards the duo.

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