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Two days until eviction.

Alfred was scared. The storm had just picked up, he noticed no one was out in the streets sightseeing anymore. It was barren of any human life. Dare he say, there wasn't any wildlife either.

One day until eviction. 

Arthur could sense the tension in the air. All Alfred could do was pace in his bedroom and stress-eat, letting Arthur have the occasional bite of whatever it was he was eating, regardless if it was good for him or not. He really didn't care much for that right now. 

And then the day had come. It was early morning, not even Arthur had awoken yet, but Alfred was up and at 'em, leaning against his kitchen counter and trying to think of some last-minute escape plans. 

None of his friends would take Arthur. He hadn't expected them to, after all they lived in strict apartments as well, but he also didn't want to bear the burden on them. He already owed them and didn't want the debt to come back and haunt him. Plus he was fairly sure people were leaving the apartments to seek more adequate shelter.

The evictors would arrive in four hours - it was currently six in the morning. And Alfred was at a total loss for a plan. Although, he had time. Perhaps he needed to visit a friend to talk for a bit...? Maybe conjure up a plan with him?

That was a brilliant idea. He knew just the guy, too.

Without bidding the rabbit in the house a mere goodbye, he pulled his sweater on and went into the blistering cold and rain.

"Alfred...? The hell are you doing here, mon ami?" Francis said with a brow furrow.

"I need your help." The American responded simply, I have a situation and I need your help."

"Uh...alright, come in." The Frenchman let him into the apartment, which held a much nicer mood than Alfred's ever hoped to. "I haven't seen you since last month. What have you been doing?"

"Well....that's the thing. I'm kinda gonna explain that now." The two found a seat at Francis' comically-sized couch, and Alfred began. "So not even two months ago I found a bunny. In the wild. He was hurt, and I couldn't just leave him there..."

Francis was already catching on. "Oh no.."

"Well, guess who came knocking at my damn door three days ago telling me to get bent?" Alfred smirked in irritation. "Todays the day they come and....collect him. Or force him out. whichever one they decide to do first." He gulped, "I don't know what to do, dude. I don't know anyone who can take him in."

Francis thought for a moment. "Well, you never asked me."

Alfred scoffed. "Why? You're in the same state as me right now in terms of apartment strictness."

"Maybe so," Francis smirked, "But I can at least hold onto him until the storm passes. By then he should be well enough to, well...return. And then no one gets evicted." He smiled egotistically, putting his hands together. "Aren't I the smartest? Alfred, mon cher, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Alfred rolled his eyes. "Fuck off." He murmured, before standing, "If you're sure you can handle him, then great. I have a cage for him already, and though he hates it, he might not have any other choice." He smirked, "Don't be surprised if he hates you."

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