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Peter sat half-asleep in his last class of the day he had stayed up all night planning for the upcoming prank war with the other avengers that he and his sister Natalia had planned after they had learned that the avengers used to have them before the whole civil war thing. They were both on a mission to get things back to normal and this was the first step. Was it smart of them to stay up all night on a school night? No, but as his girlfriend MJ always says just because we're Starks doesn't necessarily mean we're smart. 

Natalia said that it was ok that we stayed up since we were helping the avengers and the avengers help the world therefore we were doing good. I wasn't sure if I followed her logic.

"Mr. and Ms. Parker," A strict and stern voice said we looked up to see Mrs. Harrison glaring at us. ( she thought we were problem kids and would end up in an orphanage cause of what happened with Aunt May and Uncle Ben so she never called on us if we had a question since she thought there was no point in teaching us ). She only ever called on us to get us in trouble.

"Yes," I answered. 

"can you pass these out she said lifting up a stack of papers," she asked My sister looked like she was gonna retort but it would have been something that landed her or both of us in detention. Part of me wishes she did it would have saved us a lot of trouble.

"Sure" I interrupted her. I paled as soon as I saw the paper. Field trip to stark towers. I quickly schooled my face and made eye contact with my sister. she had the same look in her eyes and maybe a little of interest. 

"We have a school trip to Stark industries" she questioned.  

over the student's cheering, the teacher managed to reply "yes"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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