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Clem walked for hours, never stopping for anything. She raced past the aliens attacking and civilians screaming. She ran past the families crying and injured people. Clem never stopped running. She didn't know where she was going to stop or when this would end. All she knew was that she had to survive. Survival was the top thing on her list at the moment and it would always be on the top.
Eventually, night fell and the sky turned dark. Everything was pitch black. Clem tensed and realized that she couldn't keep walking unless she wanted to be attacked tonight. Clem ran inside the nearest building, which luckily happened to be a hotel. The place was deserted. Furniture was overturned and items were strung out everywhere. Even luggage was thrown everywhere, some of them lying open with their contents spilling out. Clem hoped that everyone that was here was okay. She sighed and decided to not take her chances with the elevator. The electricity had mostly been cut off since the invasion so Clem was worried about the elevator. She didn't want to take the elevator and then it just shut down. That was a fear of hers.
Clem went up the stairs and made it to a room that was left ajar. She closed the door after she went in and threw her bag down. Then Clem climbed into bed and fell asleep.
She woke up to bright sunshine streaming through the window. Clem almost forgot where exactly she was. She frowned, rubbing her eyes.
Clem then looked up and saw her bag. It wasn't on the floor anymore though. It was on a chair. She tensed and stood up, knowing someone was there with her. Clem saw a piece of metal on the floor and picked it up to use as a weapon. She strode to the front of the room and saw that the door was open. Clem froze, hearing humming coming from outside it. She raced back in and held the metal close to her. Her mind raced, trying to find the best way to get out of here.
Then the person came in. "Oh so you're awake. I thought you were dead at first."
Clem looked up and into the violet eyes of an alien.

Annnnnddddd I'm going to end it here so you all have a cliff hanger. Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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