Chapter One

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Vivianne's POV

        The chilling November rain threatened to peirce her old Levi's hoodie, she shivered pulling her hood tighter around her face. The raindrops on her eyelashes made her vision blurry, but she knew the way. She had walked this path every night for the last year, she could find her way with her eyes closed.
        The smell of sweet flowers and bitter herbs filled her nose, as the flicker of the torches appeared on neighboring trees. Laughter filled the air as Vivianne neared the ritual site.
        "Shes finally here Dor", May yelled as Vivianne dropped her hood.
         "Must you announce my arrival every time May", Vivianne said, sarcasm dripping from every word.
        "What took you so long?", a familiar voice said from behind her. Vivianne spun around, the voice belonged to a taller girl, with a slim figure but a round face.
       Vivianne's face split into a wicked grin, as the taller girl wrapped her in a bear hug.
       "Rue!!", Vivianne let out a screech as she returned her best friends bone-crushing hug, "I've missed you!"
        "Oh psh, you know you enjoyed being Thralla while I was gone", Rue joked with her. As much as Vivianne liked to be the head Vampira, Thralla wasnt for her, she didn't like the negative attention it brought on her.
          "Yeah about that...I am GLAD you are back", she said with a sigh of relief.
          "Ahh I see, being Thralla wasnt so fun after all", Rue joked, nudging Vivianne with her elbow. Vivianne only laughed and rolled her eyes.
        "Let the ceremony BEGIN", Rue yelled, throwing her hands in the air, causing flames to erupt from the firepit. The other girls let out a roar, as their Thralla was finally home.
        They each filed into a line, energy buzzing as the girls were getting pumped up for tonight's hunt. They patiently awaited the command from Thralla, itching to be set free.
        "Vado!!" , Rue screeched, releasing the 12 girls into the night, before following in pursuit.

       The air rushed through Vivianne's hair, raindrops splashing against her cheeks as she ran. The cold crunch of leaves and foliage being stomped deep into the earth, as she sped through the forest. She could smell the antagonizing scent of her prey. It pulled her in, taunting her as she zoomed like lightening in between the trees.
         It grew nearer and nearer, the smell was so strong it was as if she were already next to her prey. Just then, Vivianne came to a complete stop, slowing creeping up to a nearby tree. She smiled as she gazed upon a doe, sniffing at the moss, not even hearing Vivianne sneak up.
          Crunch. Sweet liquid flowed into her mouth as she bit into the doe. She could feel it racing through her system, endorphins coursing through her blood. She was so lost in the enchantment of the dark elixir, she didnt hear the footsteps behind her. 
          "Holy .. sh-", a Male voice began. Vivianne shot up, blood still dripping from her lips.

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