Chapter Two

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Flynn's POV

"All this jealousy and agony that I sit in
I'm a jealous boy, really feel like John Lennon
I just want real love, guess it's been a minute"

Lyrics filled my ears in an attempt to drown out the shouts from the next room. I closed my eyes and tried to rub the sleep deprivation from them. I took a deep breath and threw my legs over the edge of my rickety twin-size bed.
I groaned at the sight of the clock. 12:03. Shaking my head, I grudgingly pulled on a pair of socks, followed by my old muddy shoes.
I shoved my phone in my jacket pocket ignoring the homescreen I still hadn't changed, making sure to turn the music up full volume. I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, swinging the bedroom door open and stepping into the hallway.
The muffled yelling grew louder as I neared the front door, rolling my eyes, I threw open the front door, slamming it behind me.

The cool breeze felt good on my warm cheeks, but it wasnt long before the rain started up again. I decided to take a trail up to New Grove, since it would be empty at this time of night. After an hour or so of walking, I saw a doe in the forrest, it was bowing its head sniffing the foliage at the bottom of a great big tree. I chuckled before digging in my pocket to find my phone to take a picture, I paused for a second staring at the girl displayed on the screen, she looked so happy.
The smiled dropped from my face as I looked up, when I heard a crunch. There in front of me sat a crouched girl hugging the doe I had just been watching. I went to take a step forward before realizing that she wasnt hugging the poor creature, she was biting it!

"Holy sh-", escaped my mouth before I quickly clapped my hands over my lips. But it was too late, I had already earned the attention of the girl or thing, that was devouring the doe. Blood dripping from her lips, her eyes bloodshot and angry. I started to take slow steps backwards, as to not disturb the girl any further. Hoping she would just go back to eating or whatever she was doing and let me go.

Before I could take a second step back, she had ahold of my throat, pinning me against a tree I hadn't previously noticed. Pain exploded in my back as the ragged bark dug into it. I struggled to control my rage as my wolf began to emerge.
"I - I - I didn't see anything I swear", I quickly spat, stumbling over my words. Her eyes were a deep red color, almost dark enough to be black, and they were bloodshot too. Eyes that didnt match any pack I had ever seen. Her grip tightened.
"Who are you and why are you on our property", the girl growled.
" names Flynn. Flynn Blackridge... I swear I didnt know anyone owned this part of New Grove!!" I yelled, finally encouraging my wolf to come forward. I could feel the warmth of him taking over, I winced as a few minor bones broke.
"W-what are y-you doing!?", she exclaimed, finally dropping me to the ground. But it was too late, heat rose from my body as the transformation began. I flashed her a grin, meeting her gaze.
"Y-y-you messed with the w-wrong wolf to-today", I growled, wincing at the pain of every bone in my body breaking.
It wasnt long before I stood in front of her, fully transformed. Fear replaced the hunger in her eyes as she suddenly realized who I was, which only made me chuckle to myself.
"I am Flynn Blackridge, son of Matih and Harin Blackridge!!!", My voice boomed over the trees, sending panic into her... she will regret ever laying a hand on the future Alpha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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