chaptr 4: a big dam surprize

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shrek woke up with a sudden jolt to realise this was not his bed and he was naked but gibby was also naked too shrek breathed a sigh of relife knowing he was able to say in the back of his head that he sleept with head quarter back gibby but shrek was plagued with a stomach bug and proceed to got to the dam bathroom. when shrek was done he was horrified that what he thought was poo poo was really an egg shrek was shocked  to realise it would happen so fast shrek sat at the foot of the bed with the egg when gibby woke up he saw shrek and greeted him shrek turned around and said. I LAYED A DANG EGG AND YOU ARE THE FATHER. shrek calmed himself as gibby's eyes opened wide in suprise to this. Then gibby closed his eyes and said finnaly it turns out youre the one i live with forever as gibby layed eyes on the egg he embraced it and said we will do this together as heart felt as this is gibby's dad ran in and said what is this both shrek and gibby looked at gibby's dad and said idk who you think you are but this isnt your life or youre gibby wibby this is beyond you. and with that they left together and lived in the swamp.

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