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Its been 3 months, and he was still not over her!
"Was it that difficult?
Or Am I an emotional fool"
He used to ask himself.

It was wednesday morning, and The City of Dreams was hustling and bustling with traffic jams while Mohit's life was as hollow as the murmur of the midnight sea after the tempest nursed itself to rest.
Edkv2's shutdown and then his breakup with Aadya had broken him like hell!
He had stopped giving auditions, was drinking day and night, and even punished himself once by a suicide attempt.
"Moh? I am here" said KK, his only support system in this barren city.
Mohit drenched in insobriety came out of his room.
"Moh, here is your breakfast and a parcel will come at 1 in noon, do take it and eat your lunch, I will meet you at 9 in the night"
"When will you stop treating me like a kid, I am already indebted to you!"
"When you will move on from that bitch and fuckin' get a new life!"
He frowned.
"Its been 3 months Moh, and you're still here hurting and breaking yourself!
She didn't love you an..."
"But I did, I loved her.
She left me but I am not able to leave her, and I think I will never be able to..This is my life now, crying and rotting for her every single day, that's it, that's all I can do now!"
"Stfu moh, this is not your life, you deserve a lot better than what you got in the past, I am messaging you the number of a casting director, there is an audition going on for a music video in Goregoan, do go there and meet her. She'll definitely help you in getting this project.
Mohit time doesn't stop, its running, in the same way we also need to move forward in life leaving behind all the past memories.
You're getting me na?"
"Yeah yeah I'll go, first you go for your shoot today, I'll handle myself" Moh said after getting up from the dining table.
"Ok, I'll see you at night, take care my jaan"
Kanikka left shutting the door of his 2BHK flat, while there he was lying in his sofa,
"Just why can't anyone stay with me?
Why everyone has to leave me and go?"
Tears started dropping from his eyes, he wiped them out and took out a beer bottle.

To be continued....

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