How Do You Love Someone You Hate?

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This Oneshot was inspired by a BakuDeku drawing placed upstairs 🔝
(Art is not mine!)


Izuku sat at his desk one Wednesday morning, his eyes glued to his old notebook. UA was especially happy today. His classmates filled the room with murmurs as they talked among themselves. The sun shone brightly, giving the classroom beautiful lighting. Izuku looked away from his notebook, his forest green eyes shifting over to a certain blonde that spoke to his redheaded best friend. Actually, "talking" was an overstatement. The blonde glared at the redhead as he spoke his ear off. Despite the fact Katsuki looked irritated, Izuku knew he secretly listened to everything his friend had to say. Even if it was completely stupid. Izuku knew him long enough to know the little things other people may never have noticed about the strong and short-tempered Katsuki Bakugou.

For example, Izuku noticed when Katsuki was nervous his shoulders would twitch upward. The movement was short, quick, and barely even noticeable, like a tiny dismissive shrug. Izuku had noticed it though. When he was sad, which was rare, he would yell louder and insult people more than usual as a defense mechanism. When he was excited about something, he'd be more talkative. And by "more talkative" he meant that Katsuki would put his opinions in conversations his friends were having more often. Or when he was scared, another vastly rare state, he would inch closer to the person nearest. Not for a sense of protection but to remind himself that he wasn't alone, which only meant to him, he'd have to set a good example to the other "extras".

Izuku knew everything about Katsuki. From everything he liked to anything he despised. But the more he got to know him, the more he hated him. He was ignorant, rude, self-absorbed, inconsiderate, and so many other things that Izuku was too frustrated to think of. Izuku hated him for it all. Yet, on this lovely sunny morning, as Izuku watched the blonde pull out his devilish smirk as he teased Kirishima, he could feel something bubble inside his chest that was the exact opposite of hate. A beautiful feeling he had never felt for anyone else before.

The greenette sighed, leaning against his hand as he carefully examined Katsuki's features. Izuku had a soft spot for Katsuki that he couldn't understand. He hated him after all, why would he have a soft spot for a jerk like him? Izuku didn't have the slightest clue. But for whatever reason, his heart still managed to jump when Katsuki walked into a room. Maybe it was because despite knowing every flaw Katsuki had, Izuku could still see the caring side of him. The loving side of him that he refused to show off. The side that Izuku secretly adored.

Izuku hummed indecisively. They've known each other since they were born, maybe that's why. They've grown up together. Yet you can still hate someone you've known your whole life so that didn't explain a thing.

How do you love someone you extremely hate?

It seemed impossible for Izuku to fathom what he felt toward Katsuki. Maybe he was just lonely and he missed the arrogant blonde. Izuku looked away from Katsuki, knowing he probably didn't feel the same. Or so he thought.

"Hey, Deku." Izuku jumped when a hand slammed on his desk, a familiar raspy voice filling his ears. He looked up, his forest green eyes meeting gorgeous ruby red ones.

"O-oh, hey, Kacchan. What's up?" He asked, slightly confused by the sudden confrontation.

"I wanted to talk to you about something, can we meet up tomorrow night around six?" Katsuki said, his hands tucked into his pockets with an almost intimidating look to him. Izuku only smiled at his intimidating figure.

"Sure, it's a date." Izuku joked, letting a soft chuckle. At least, that's what Izuku wanted it to be. And he hated himself for it.

"Whatever, fucking weirdo. I'll see you later, nerd..." Katsuki walked past his desk, roughly ruffling Deku's green fluff of hair as he passed him.

Izuku only smiled to himself, his chest filling with the warmth of joy. He hated his feelings for his former childhood friend but he loved the arrogant blonde he knew his whole life anyway.


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