Part 1

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First day of school after a long vacation of 3 months. We are still in a hallucination of those sweet moments without any tension of studying. But hopefully our minds became fresh and sound to start a new journey again. We were heading to the new section of our school building because finally we are seniors now.

I am so excited for this New Year with new environment and obviously new lectures. Though I am not a bookworm but learning new things is always like an adventure to me.

I woke up early at 7am today but still having the feel of vacation. Mom was shocked to see me waking up so early and started asking questions. As usual I didn’t pay that much attention to her and just said that it was first day. Even though she knew but still kept asking me tons of questions. I slowly walked towards the bathroom to wash myself.

Mom: “Hey, why are you up so early? Isn’t your school at 11 am? Aren’t you going to sleep more? When did you sleep last night?”

She kept asking questions in a way of teasing me for awaking up early.

I: “Mom I am just too excited that’s why I couldn’t sleep last night and if you keep asking questions like these I might end up getting a headache and can’t go to school. Do you want that?”

Mom: “Oh okay then enjoy your bath. And don’t forget to wash your hair with shampoo.”

I: “Yes I won’t obviously.”

I started to take a peaceful bath and after few minutes when I got out I saw my school dress lying on my bed in fully ironed and neat and clean. I wasn’t surprised at all because I knew it was obviously mom’s magic. She organized my bed, table, and also ironed my dress within a time period when I was washing. She is just like an angel. Sometimes I wonder how she could do these. Obviously she is my MOM.

You all must have been wondering why I woke up so early where I could sleep more because I didn’t slept the night before, but actually I even don’t know why I woke up so early. 

Whatever, I went to the dinner table area to see what mom was making for breakfast but after seeing it I couldn’t control myself and jumped on the table to eat. It was my favorite breakfast. I thanked her and finished my breakfast. She was busy making more breakfast for my brother and father so I didn’t disturb her and went to my room.

I became ready at nearly 9 am and was about to go out then my mom again keep asking questions.

Mom: “where are you going now? You have still 2 hours left. Then where are you going?”

I: “I am not going anywhere just going down stairs to see my friends who are waiting for me.”

Mom: “friends? What friends? Who are they? Why are they here so early? Then tell them to come home."

I: “Mom, they are Sia, Mary, Tiana and Yan. We were planning to meet up early before school then go to school together. Didn’t I tell you that?”

Mom: “yes but they aren’t they coming up stairs? Tell them to have breakfast.”

I: “Mom, they already had their breakfast and waiting for me for like 5 minutes. Can I go? Then we have to pick Naina too. It’s getting late. Please understand.”

Mom: “Okay go and don’t go anywhere unknown. Call me from any parent after getting to school.”

I: “okay, thank you, I love you, bye.”

I went down stairs with my empty bag in just few money and a water bottle. My friends actually didn’t come so early, they just came right after I got down. It was a lie to mom for letting me go without asking so many questions. I and my friends got into one of my friend’s car to go to pick Naina who is also a friend of mine. We picked her and went to a café near our school to do some chit chats.

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