➸Bodyguard pt. 1

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a person or thing providing protection.


In the whole of Prince Series comic, we have met and fallen in love with all the charming bodyguards who secretly shield and protect their charges. From the kind and caring  Livio, to the secretive Quentin and James, to the unnamed bodyguard who was found out by his charge, Prince Charles, and to the unnamed pretty bodyguard of Ciel and the amazing Bokamoso.

We learned to love and appreciate these boys and men who have less screen time compared to all the protagonists in the stories. Although they are not always seen, but we all know that they are always there and we will see them again in the future.

Besides that, I also love the bodyguards created by my fellow writers, like Carina Evelyn Fowl and Saburo Shiraishi, created by both  sae_rz and arrowsandswords respectively.

I have also come to love and respect the brave lady-in-waiting,  Chantel Morasu of Arimight by charis_auctor99 who took her beloved princess's place in a strange and foreign place of the modern world.

Therefore, I was deeply inspired by these original characters created by these amazing ladies. Thus, I made my own group of bodyguards and aides for my characters.


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i. about section
      Valkyrie Signy Hansson

nickname (and who calls you this);
          -- her charge, Princess Caitlyn calls her that from time to time.

        Valkyrie is 17, the same age as Livio, Gion's aide.

birthday and birth place;
         Stavanger -- 28th April

        Lady-in-waiting for the Crown Princess of Norway

The Sole Heir of the House Anders-Hanssons

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