2. He Forgot to Mention it

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        "Andy Andy ANDY! Man on your six!"

        Heeding the warning from my teammate, I pushed against the ice even harder to escape the guy closing in on me. As I shot away from our zone towards their net; I managed to evade almost all their players except for the two big defensemen. The one not trailing behind tried to stop me from the side, and in a quick moment I threw the puck into his skates, took a step back and recovered the puck on his other side as he smashed into the boards. Just you and me now Mr. Goalie.

        With each stride I took the crowd's roar grew louder, and in a matter of seconds I had crossed the last blue line. Letting all of my years experience of practicing shootouts take control, I crossed to the left, faded back to the center trying to look like I was going to shoot from my forehand, then in front of the net I spun around and shoveled it in backhand. Satisfaction flooded through me as I crashed into my boys' arms and the goal horn sounded. Their hot breath hit me as they screamed into my ear. No wonder why I have horrible hearing. "Dr. Dre-a for the goal" my friend Matt teased.

        "Matty you need a better education in music my friend. He's what, the only rapper you've ever heard right? You poor guy. Did they deprive you of music back in Oklahoma? " I laughed as we made our way back to the bench.

        "That's not true Annie. They atleast listen to Old MacDonald Had a Farm in Oklahoma right Matt?" Rory, the center on our line cut in.

         I fistbumped Rory for that one. He and I had taken it upon ourselves to "affectionately harrass" Matt after his older brother, Mike, had graduated. Someone had to keep his ego from getting to big.

        On a serious note, things on the ice were going to get really tough really quick. This team always gets frustrated when they are losing, and that's when the big hits, hot tempers, and dirty plays came out. Since I had drawn first blood they were going to start gunning for me. Super I thought as I rolled my eyes I'm about to get Hulk Smashed because of some stupid college boy anger issues. Thank God I'm a girl I thought and took another swig from my water bottle. 


        Claude Julien, Peter Chiarelli, Cam Neely, and a few members of the Bruins scouting team had found their seats soon after the first puck drop. "Which forward did your friend mention we should take a look at Claude?" Peter asked, sounding unimpressed by the few plays he just witnessed. 

        "Jeff gave us one specific name: Kerr. He's number nineteen and should be coming on now."

        The men dressed in black and gold leaned forward in their seats as a lean figure leaped over the bench and into the fray. The player swung around the back of their net, and in a small movement had picked up the puck before shooting towards the attacking zone. The important onlookers watched speechless as #19 executed a seamless manuever around the goalie and produced the first score on the board. "Remind me to personally thank your friend Claude" Cam said and looked up as the goal announcement blasted. 

        First goal of the night from right wing number 19, Andrea Kerr!

        A picture of a grinning girl flashed across the screen above her name. "Yeah" Peter glared from the end seat "Too bad Jackson forgot to mention her first name!"


        The locker room was filled with whoops and hollers as my team slowly undressed after our 5-0 victory. Well, except for Matt... who apparently didn't get the memo that our game was over, and remained in his uniform as he danced in the corner to That's My Kind of Party like we were in a hoedown. I couldn't take it anymore. Pulling out my own phone and speakers, I turned on Lip Gloss  to a volume that could shatter eardrums. Sure enough, the rest of the team (in various stages of undress) jumped up and started dancing to a song about makeup, go figure. How did I get stuck with these "men" on my team? With one last smirk at Matty who was now glowering in defeat, I walked over to the showers to change into the nice clothes Coach wanted me to wear for after the game. 

        Honestly, I hate "nice clothes", and any and all dresses, little skirts, makeup, and the death trap women call high heels that go with it. Coach knew by now that getting dressed up wasn't my thing, so I pondered the meaning of his request as I quickly changed. Treading back towards the now empty locker room, I gathered my stuff and went to look for Jeff. I found him in his office near the back of the stadium, and he wasn't alone.            '

A/N I attached a video of the play Andy executed so you can get a visual... What do you guys think? Please message me or comment opinions, I would love to hear them. I promise that the rest of the Bruins will be introduced soon ;)

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