Potions Incident

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Author's Note: Hey, what do you do when pictures don't show up? I've added pictures to some chapters, but they don't show up when I read through them. What should I do to fix this?

"Grim, be careful with that!" Gwen warned. It was science class, and the two were mixing a potion together.

"Don't worry!" Grim replied, carefully holding a beaker with his two paws over the cauldron. "I've got this."

"Okay, okay." Gwen looked down at their book. "The book says it only needs a few drops. About six."

"Got it!" Grim carefully tipped the beaker forward.

Then, disaster struck! Ace, who had been working on his own potion with Deuce, unknowingly hit Grim in the back with his elbow. Grim wound up dropping the entire beaker into the cauldron.

"Back away puppies!" Crewel cried, rushing towards them. The cauldron began to bubble over and shake. Everyone close to them backed away quickly.

The cauldron exploded splattering over one unfortunate human. "Gwen!" Grim shrieked, as a puff of purple smoke washed over her.

When the smoke cleared, there was a very tiny girl standing in Gwen's place. She had short black hair and green eyes. She was wearing a rather old fashioned looking outfit. She looked around four years old.

"Gwen?" Ace asked cautiously.

The little girl blinked, looking around. "Hi!" She said quietly, looking shy.

Jack kneeled down to look her in the eye. "Do you recognize us?"

Gwen looked up at him with stars in her eyes. "Puppy!" She cried, pointing at his ears.

Crewel sighed, approaching the group. "Move, puppies!" He commanded. He looked down at Gwen, who looked up at him in curiosity.

"Master Crewel, is she going to be alright?" Grim asked.

"Yes, there is a potion that can reverse this." Crewel said. "However, it's a bit complicated to make, so it will take all day. Class is cancelled, now everyone out!"

The students slowly trickled out, Ace carrying Grim. Soon, the only people in the room were Gwen and Crewel.

"Papa?" Gwen asked, toddling over and gripping the legs of Crewel's pants.

Crewel's eyes widened. "Um, well, goodness." He bent down and picked the little toddler up. "Goodness, what does your papa look like if you think I'm him?"

Gwen wrapped her tiny arms around Crewel's neck. "Paint, please?" She asked.

"Maybe later." Crewel said. "Hmm... I can't watch you, I have to make the potion. Perhaps Trein will watch you."

Crewel left the classroom, still holding Gwen the toddler in his arms. The two got plenty of stares in the halls, but Crewel paid them no mind.

Thankfully, the other teachers were all in the staff room. "We have a problem." Crewel said, getting their attention. He held Gwen out for them all to see.

"Is that Miss Brookes!?" Crowley gasped.

"What happened?" Trein asked.

"Potions incident." Crewel answered. "I need someone to watch her while I brew a potion to reverse this."

The staff all exchanged looks, and then scattered. Crewel glowered at the now empty room. "Oh, come on!" He looked down the hallways at the retreating staff members. "Trein, I know damn well you've raised two children!"

"Fufufu. My, oh, my, what do we have here?"

Crewel sighed. "Ah, Mr. Vanrouge." He turned to the levitating student. "You've arrived just in time."

Lilia, who had been making silly faces at the giggling Gwen, finally looked over at his teacher. "Oh?"

"Yes. I need you to watch over Gwen while I make a potion to return her to normal." Crewel explained.

Lilia grinned, sticking his arms hand. "I'll gladly watch over the little one for you!"

"Thank you!" Crewel started handing Gwen over.

Gwen looked from Lilia to Crewel and started bawling. "No! Wanna stay!"

Lilia delicately plucked the screaming toddler from Crewel's arms and began gently shushing her. Crewel quickly made his get away.

"No!" Gwen shrieked, flailing in Lilia's arms.

"Aw, I remember when Silver was like this." Lilia began walking back towards the Diasomnia dorm. "You sweet little thing, let's go play."

Gwen's tantrum ceased. "Play? What play?"

Lilia grinned. It was so easy sometimes. "Well, we could play with toys, or we could play with the others, or I could tell you stories."

Lilia took Gwen all the way into the Diasomnia Common Room. Oh, good! Malleus, Sebek, and Silver were already there.

Their eyes were wide as they took in the scene. "Lilia, why do you have a child?" Malleus asked.

Lilia grinned, nuzzling into Gwen. Oh, how long it had been since he last held a child in his arms. He missed this. "Why, don't you recognize her? This is your sweet little Child of Man."

"G-Gwen?" Sebek gasped. "What happened?"

"Potions incident!" Lilia said, setting Gwen down. The little girl ducked behind his legs.

"We play?" Gwen asked.

"What would you like to play?" Lilia asked.

"Paint!" Gwen beamed up at him.

The group all got out paper and paint and began to draw together. Some were rather good. (Malleus and Lilia.) And, some weren't. (Sebek and Gwen.)

Eventually, it became obvious that little Gwen was getting sleepy. Lilia cooed at her and picked her up. "Nap time, little one."

"No, no nap." Gwen yawned, nuzzling into him.

Lilia took Gwen into his room and laid down on the bed. "What if I sung you a lullaby?"

"Sing." Gwen pleaded.

"Come stop your crying, it will be alright." Lilia began. "Take my hand, hold it tight. I will protect you from all around you."

It was a lullaby he had sung many a time for his boys. It worked like a charm on Gwen, as the sweet little girl fell asleep quickly.

Lilia would have liked for Gwen to be a child for much longer. It seemed like just yesterday that Silver was at that age. He was so sleepy even as a toddler!

But Crewel finished the potion, and Lilia sadly had to hand Gwen over.

"Drink up!" Crewel instructed, handing Gwen a sippy cup that contained the potion. "It's... apple juice." He lied.

Gwen drank up, and in a puff of white smoke, was back to normal. She looked at the sippy cup in her hands. "Um... what did I miss?"

Lilia giggled. "You had been turned back into a toddler for the day." He explained. "My, you were so sweet and cute as a child! Don't worry, I took pictures!"

Gwen looked embarrassed. "Oh, golly!"

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