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saturday (continued) ~ 1945

Beomgyu and Taehyun walk out of the restaurant, holding hands. They approach the car and Taehyun is about to reach the passenger side when a tall figure steps out from the shadows. He has a hood on, but Beomgyu still freezes; not wanting to believe what he is seeing.

     "Who the hell are you?" asks Taehyun.

Within a second, the figure has lurched forward and pushed Beomgyu to the ground.

     "What did I tell you?" he yells.

Now Taehyun has a guess. 

     "Hey leave him alone! What is your problem?"

Acting fast, the younger grabs the stranger's shoulder, pulling him back.

     "Woah woah, calm down little guy," he responds, laughing. "Just thought I'd find out who Beomgyu here tried to leave me for." He pokes Taehyun in the chest. "You? Really? This is insulting Beomgyu, I've got to say."

Taehyun runs over to Beomgyu and asks him if he's alright. Beomgyu stands up quickly and unlocks his phone, dialing the police.

     "Ty, this is harassment and stalking. How did you even know we were here? You realize how creepy you're being, right?"

The phone starts ringing.

     "I'm going to report–"

Ty grabs Beomgyu's arm and rips the phone away with his free hand. He throws it onto the pavement. Taehyun covers his mouth in shock. Now some people nearby are watching the scene.

     "You need to stop! I told you I want you to leave me alone and if you're not going to listen, we're going to have issues. And don't think for a second that you're going to mess with him too" Beomgyu says, pointing toward Taehyun.

Ty looks at him with an amused expression.

     "Fuck off, Yutao."  He adds, knowing the older really detests his full name for some reason.

     "Now you've crossed the line."

Ty reaches back and is about to punch Beomgyu when he suddenly gets pushed from behind. He trips a bit and runs forward to prevent himself from falling. He turns and sees Taehyun standing there, holding his phone up.

     "You're being recorded right now Ty, or whatever the fuck your name is. I'm live streaming this on my youtube channel. There will be video evidence and we won't hesitate to report your ass if you try anything."

     "Report me? Ha! You have no proof. This is just a friendly conversation."

Despite saying that, Ty quickly runs to his car and drives out of the lot within seconds. As he leaves, he looks at the two in the rearview mirror.

I'll give him a real reason to report me. No one abandons me. Not Beomgyu. Not anyone.

As he drives, he dials a number with the keypad on the dashboard of his car. The person on the other end picks up.

     "I'm going to need your help," Ty says.

They keep their eyes on the car until Ty is out of sight.

     "Were you actually streaming that on your channel?" asks Beomgyu nervously.

     "No. But I was filming it."

     "Taehyun I'm really, really sorry."

Beomgyu's eyes well up with tears and he puts his face in his hands, leaning against the car. Why do I ruin everything good in my life?

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