Chapter 13

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I stood at the bottom of the stairs; listening for any movement up above. I couldn't hear a thing. I lightly set my foot on the first step. I pulled out my map once more. He was there; at a standstill. I breathed in deeply before forcing myself up the stairs.

At first sight, he had been leaning on the rails looking out at the view ahead.

"Draco?" I lightly called trying not to startle him. He hadn't turned to look back at me. I could see his shoulder rise to stiffen. I was hesitant at first but eventually made my way to the railing. I was a bit flustered by heights.

My hands grazed the metal railing as my fingertips gripped the edges. My eyes had been sealed shut, I couldn't open them. I could feel his body warmth radiating beside me. His energy was off.

His right hand held onto his left forearm steadily. I gave in and looked out at the horizon. There were mountains and hills for days. There was a breeze the blew in lightly before I got the chance to speak. I felt myself being lifted off my toes.

The pace of my heart began to fasten, this is what it felt like when I was on my broomstick. The height was nothing compared to this. It wasn't that bad up here.

"Stalking me again?" His voice sat deep in his chest. I hadn't prepared for that question yet. I couldn't tell him about the map.

"I just figured. Lucky guess. You weren't in Potions and today was kinda important so..." I trailed off. From up high you could see all of Hogwarts below. The owls traveled back and forth with letters between their beaks. If you squinted your eyes hard enough; you could see the Quidditch pitch out in the distance.

I could've taken this as an opportunity to question him or find something useful for Harry, but the timing seemed off. There was something bothering him.

"I was concerned, that's all." I couldn't find any reason to lie. I would be lying if I were to say I wasn't genuinely worried about him. He hadn't told me off yet, but I knew the time would arrive shortly.

I was dying to know what was going on in his head.

"If you knew what was in your best interest, you would stay away. Didn't Snape tell you anything?" He spat out. I began to connect the dots. I now had questions.

"Snape- How do you know about that?" He sighed shaking his head; raking his hands through his hair. He took one step away from the railings and began to pace the floor again.

Something told me he slipped up on that one. I now had an opportunity to get some answers.

"We aren't gonna pretend you didn't just say that! What are you and Snape up to?" I spun myself around facing him. I could see his vein lifting from the side of his neck.

I needed to know.

"Why can't you just listen! I shouldn't have said anything. Fuck!" He was growing with anticipation by the second. One thing Draco never showed was vulnerability. He was always closed off but when something was crawling under his skin; it wouldn't go unnoticed.

I slowly approached him cautiously. He stood with his hands in his pockets; eyes locked on the ground. His eyebrows furrowed with a stern face. I could hear the thoughts roaming through his mind.

"Draco what's going on?" I softened my tone, I didn't want him to feel hostile with me. I stood directly in front of him; my feet parallel to his. He was fighting the urge to look at me.

"I can help you." More than anything I wanted to be a friend to him. I wanted to be there for him. He looked awfully pale, whatever pain or discomfort he was enduring became visible in his expression. His demeanor began to shift. I took another step to see how far he would let me get. He finally returned the gaze.

"I don't need your help. Can't you see that? I'm fine." His voice faltered before me, he stood taller than me but felt so feeble. I would get him to crack.

"Are you? Seriously Draco, look me in the eye and tell me everything is perfectly fine and I'll leave you alone! I won't bother you or pester you with questions ever again." He tossed his head back taking in a deep breath.

I could see the gloss in his eyes. His nostrils began to flair as he bowed his head. His cloudy blue eyes had lost their color. They had turned dull and grey. I could see my reflection in the pupil of his eyes. I was waiting for him to lie to me and tell me he was fine. I would gracefully walk away and never speak to him again, but he didn't.

I could see the indecisiveness roaming his mind.

His hand collided with my left cheek as his right hand clenched onto my waist. He pulled me in so our chests pressed into one another firmly. I let my face sink into his hand. He pressed his head against mine and closed his eyes. I felt content just at that moment. I would pay a million galleons to understand just a third of him. I was working with bread crumbs.

What are you thinking Draco Malfoy?

There was nothing around or between us.

I closed my eyes letting his touch linger on. My arms stretched out to wrap around his torso. All he needed was a bit of human contact. His thumb grazed my cheek. He lifted his head from mine brushing our noses together. He had utterly consumed me within a matter of seconds.

He was warm, fresh, and musky. Suddenly all my daydreams I found myself shoving aside earlier in the week began to reveal themselves. Each moment filled out its senses. I couldn't mask whatever I was feeling.

His body began to calm under my touch. His shoulders dropped as his breath evened out. I, however; could feel my skeleton inside of my body. It was a feeling unlike ever before.

Part of me was waiting for our lips to collide, to no longer be strangers; to have a formal greeting. To tangle and fit together, but I guess some things are better left undiscovered.

His hand traveled to the bottom of my chin finding its own placing. His thumb forcibly lifted my head to meet his leveled stare.

"I won't tell you again." He muttered against my lips. Everything shifted in a matter of seconds.

I felt a cold air graze my cheek as I realized his hand plummeted to his side. He detached himself from me. I had never been more conflicted in my life.

He trailed backward, opening the space between us. My arms swung at my side loosely. I couldn't fathom what just happened. I stood in the middle of the floor dumbfounded.

Just like that, his walls were built up again. His entire bearings deviated in a blink of an eye. It was consuming him. I couldn't find the words to express what I felt at that moment. I was exasperated.

Draco left me at the top of the Astronomy Tower. He ran off to lord knows where. I was left to attend to the many thoughts meandering around my mind. I told myself to not ponder on it. It was an impulsive move; it wouldn't mean anything the next day. I thought the same of Draco as I did before. Maybe now I'd be a bit more disoriented.

Thank You for reading, stay safe<3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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