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Ye Jin snapped the edges of the papers she had just printed to distribute at the next day's meeting together and leaned back in her chair. With a low groan, she stretched her arms behind her head and twisted her neck from side to side, loosening the tight muscles after sitting for hours at a task.

Ye Jin immediately turned off her computer. Ye Jin glanced at the clock on her hand. It was late at night, she just finished her overtime today.

Her cell phone notification sounded as she took her last sip of tea. Lazily she picked up the cell phone that was lying beside her.

Ju Hae In:
"Are you home? Sorry, I went home first. Based on our plan, this Saturday we will find a house"

Ye Jin put her cell phone back down, then got ready to go home. Her cell phone rings,
Ye Jin glanced over to see who was calling. She immediately picked it up.


"Where are you?." Hyun Bin greeted without saying hello.

"Hyun Bin ?." Ye Jin frowned even though the man didn't see it.

"Yes ?, you want to meet?" Hyun Bin teases.

"Shut your mouth" replied Ye Jin irritably. Then hang up and put down the phone hard.

Within seconds, her cell phone rang again. Ye Jin immediately pressed the reject button.
She then gave the name 'perverted' to the contact number.

Again, her cellphone rang, the name on the screen made Ye Jin take a deep breath to hold back her emotions. She picked up the phone, closed her eyes, and pressed the accept button.

"You're not doing enough, you pervert. Stop calling me. If you keep bothering me, I'll report you to the police." Ye Jin hung up in annoyance and just threw her cellphone on the table.

"I'm already pissed off having to work late, some crazy person makes me mad, so annoying." Ye Jin grunted.


Hyun Bin leaned against the wide glass that separated him from the thirty floors drop. His gaze was still fixed on the cellphone screen that Ye Jin had just disconnected. Hyun Bin glanced at his watch. Its time to go home.

Ye Jin walked slowly, one hand holding a glass of hot vanilla latte that he bought near the office convenience store. Along the way she saw vehicles that were still passing by, people moving so fast, maybe they wanted to get home soon.

Ye Jin stopped at a playground she used to pass by. It was tempting to sit on a swing where there were no occupants.

After sitting comfortably, she looked up at the dark sky. There was not star in sight. Ye Jin slowly pushed the swing she was sitting on. Forwards, backwards.

Ye Jin enjoyed this game until she felt the pace of this swing a little faster. As something is pulling and pushing it. Ye Jin is silent, .... Ye Jin is scared ..... but she also wants to know who did it.

Finally Ye Jin dared to look back. Her eyes rounded instantly and a reflex made her jump while the swing was still moving. But the landing was not smooth enough to make her fly.

Ye Jin was resigned if she had to hit the ground, but a strong hand grabbed her arm quickly and Ye Jin was pulled around and her face hit the man's broad chest.

Ye Jin's breath was short, the eyes of the two met. The face smiled with dimples. It took a while for Ye Jin to return to the real situation.

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