7, Bruises, Blood, & Broken Bones.

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15 Years Old +

Kion wakes up again, he's still in pain! But he can move again. He can see Daliah coming up with a plan. He wants to listen in..BUT CANT RISK IT! So he sneaks out, he looks at his paws but she's bleeding baldy, he looks at his body he had bruises, he looks at his back leg. It's broken. He continued to walk on 3 feet. It will take hours to get to the tree. But Rani is in LABOR! She's having her Cubs in 5 minutes.

As rani is pushing the cub comes out. Only one cub. It's a boy. Rani looks and gets reminded of
Kion it has Yellow mane. And a small Red spot on the Head. Rani managed to fight back from crying

But the royal family didn't. And it made Rani cry as well as she's crying she says

Rani: You're name...is Kion Jr. You'll hear so many stories about you're father!

Hours has passed everyone's asleep! Kion's 2 minutes away from the tree.

After 2 minutes pass Kion walks in. He's in deep pain. But he breaks down and starts crying (happy crying) he is looking at his cub! Rani can hear this she looks but and...

Rani: KION? Um is this a Dream? If so, can I stay in this dream forever!?!?

Kion: No it's real life! And what's our Cubs name.

Rani: Kion Jr

She says as she licks his cheek and starts happy crying

Kion: what's wrong

Rani: I'm not sad! It's happiness I thought you completed you're Journey in the circle of life.

They do (adult stuff)

14 + Part

They have sex

10 + Part

And then go to bed.

Kion wakes up to everyone looking at him he looks beside him to nirmala healing him.

Kion & Rani's Life! | Season 1 Where stories live. Discover now