Andy Biersack

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You were panicked, that nap you took was a bad idea. Andy would be home soon and nothing he asked to be done had been. It’s not to be said that Andy was demanding, but you felt like it should be this way. You don’t have a job yourself and Andy brings home all the money, you needed to do something to not feel so much like a dosser. 

The wost thing was that you hadn’t yet cleaned the vibrator you used earlier. It was your favourite, but it was also Andy’s favourite to use on you. You did like to sneak the occasional pleasure time to yourself when Andy wasn’t in, but you always cleaned it now as you never knew how easily he could spot if it wasn’t clean. 

You looked at the time on your phone, 15 minutes until he got back. He was never late. You quickly hoovered downstairs before rushing upstairs and grabbing the first thing you could find to clean the vibrator with, which was a wet wipe. It will have to do. Practically running into your bedroom you hadn’t even noticed Andy walking up the stairs. In your panic you hadn’t even heard him enter the house. 

Andy’s eyes had already darkened, one from slight anger due to the poorly cleaned house and to the fact he could now see you picking up the vibrator and without even inspecting it Andy knew you used it. 

"In a rush for something, Love?" You froze and squeaked. He was home, he was near enough behind you. You didn’t move and his footsteps became louder, harsher into the ground as he got closer to you. "I said…" Now his strong fingers were gripping into your waist with a sharp but light pain. "In a rush for something?" 

You knew you had to answer, “I…” You dropped the wet wipe and the vibrator on the bed and span in his arms to face him, “Andy, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too…I…I-“ 

"Shut it!" He cut you off. You shrank a little as you felt his fingers digging a little deeper. "First you barely get through cleaning…Second, you clearly took a nap and third…you let something else bring you pleasure that isn’t and wasn’t me". The dark smirk was evident now along with his dark and lustful eyes. 

You squealed as he lifted you from the ground and threw you onto your shared bed, you lay there watching him. Your breathing had got heavier as you saw him re-plug in the vibrator and then turn to you. 

"Undress yourself, now".  

You did so until you were lying stark naked on the bed, your eyes never leaving Andy and watching his every move. 

"I didn’t want tonight to come to this, (Y/N). But by your actions it must do. And you seem to love this toy so much, what’s the point in cleaning it? I’m just going to add more and more of your juices to it right now". 

And without any warning he had turned it on high, held on of you thighs down as you had already slightly spread your legs and he pressed it directly onto your clit. You screamed. You tried to squirm away but Andy held you down more. “Don’t make me tie you to this bed”. 

You couldn’t help but let out a moan as little bolts of pleasure were being shot through your body. He then began to move it all around your vulva and you couldn’t help but let out a small -but pleasurable- whimper. 

As soon as you felt close Andy pulled the vibrator off you and switched it off, you let out a small noise at the loss of pleasure. 

"No noise now (Y/N), you’re in enough trouble as it is". The thing was no matter how pissed he was, he managed to sound so calm, so soothing. So hot. You nodded. "Excuse me? I’d like an answer". 

"Yes, Sir". 

He smirked, this was what you both enjoyed. He your master, your Daddy: Sir. You, his little Baby Girl. 

Sooner than you thought Andy was thrusting roughly into you, holding your wrists above your head and you were writhing. You couldn’t touch him and if you made one more noise he was getting the gag ball out. 

He felt your walls clamp around him and he smirked, “Does the little girl need to cum?” 

You nodded, “Yes, Sir”. Biting your lip to quieten down a moan. 

"Then go on, cum. Cum (Y/N)". 

He kept thrusting as you near enough screamed out a full body orgasm and you could still feel it as was now moaning himself and cumming. 

You both soon calmed now and were breathing heavily. Andy pulled out of you and pulled the condom off his length, putting it in the bin beside your bed. He quickly cuddled you into his body and lightly stroked your arms. He knew how to take care of you, as any dominant should. 

"I wasn’t too rough was I? You know I don’t really pay that much attention to myself if I’m even a little pissed". 

"It was all wonderful, Andy," you smiled. 

"Just no more masturbating alone okay? I’m the one to pleasure you". 

You grinned and nodded, nuzzling your nose into his chest. You both feeling better now. 

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