- Chapter Ten -

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The stop in with the ghost didn't end up being as bad as you had first anticipated. As it turned out, Jeongin didn't get a ton of visitors, and he never ever got anyone that came just to see him. He was ecstatic when he saw Chan at the front gates of the graveyard, and though he was still quite cold towards you, he did begrudgingly admit that he was glad to have company, no matter who it was.

Sitting there in the freezing cold, your ass going numb against the icy gravestone you sat on, time flew by. You had said to Chan that you could step in for just an hour, but it ended up nearing three, the cheeky ghost reluctant to let his only company go. Eventually you peeled yourselves away from him, albeit with many promises that you would return to humour him as soon as you could.

Even though your fingers were close to freezing off, you and Chan still found yourselves wondering around the small town, enveloped in it's invigorating night life. It was early morning when you finally arrived back at your motel, and you were so tired sleep came to you almost instantly. Though unfortunately the time you awoke the next morning was earlier than you would have liked. Revolution was close but there was still work that needed to be done.

You were closing in on the end of your tasks, weaving together the final loose ends before you could get a real start on your actual plans. Today you needed to get to Dahomey Mino, and you weren't sure if you were more excited or more terrified. For some reason, The Devil's Highway did not work for Fae communities, and you had to call up Hyunjin to give you directions. After relying so heavily on The Highway to get you where you needed to go, relying on a map was foreign and more challenging than it should have been.

"I don't understand what's going on." Chan whined and frowned at the map spread out in front of him, the entire thing so big the edges of it were poking into your side as you drove.

"Hyunjin said something about a willow and a cliff I think." You wracked your brain trying to remember the specific details of Hyunjin's directions, but there were many different intricate instructions, all of which would be well known for any Fae, but were particularly difficult for anyone unfamiliar with the area.

"There's a place called Willow's Peak?" Chan offered helpfully.

"Yes! Yes, that's it, now how do we get there?" You asked eagerly.

"Now that is the problem. I don't exactly know where we are," Chan said. You bit off a groan, but you didn't blame Chan for not knowing. Looking around, you were surrounded on all sides by endless plains of dirt and grass, no discernable land marks anywhere nearby to give you an idea of where you had gotten yourselves.

"Can we use Google Maps or something?" Chan grumbled, looking at the map and frowning defeatedly.

"What?" Now it was your turn to be confused. "What is that?" You thought you were the one who lived in a world of strange words and creatures but you didn't understand what the hell just came out of Chan's mouth.

He looked over at you and laughed. "It's an electronic map that gives you the exact directions to where you need to go, no matter where you are," he explained, "Do you really not use that?" He seemed incredulous that you weren't up to date with his little human trinkets.

"No, we have the Devil's Highway, we have no need for electronic maps or anything," you frowned, particularly defensive of your way of living.

"I suppose," Chan chuckled, only amused by your childish pouting. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find our way there." His words proved true, though it took quite a while and more than a handful of wrong turns.

You eventually found your place on the map, driving through fields of nothing and eventually into long twisting roads that wove through deep forests and leading out to the edge of the sea.

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