9: BM Drama

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Since I'm all about visuals, #tbt in the mm.

"If I want him back, I can take him back in a heartbeat."

-the Baby Momma


"Just to warn you, Karsen momma can be a bit much."

The two of us were on the way to lunch with Karsen's mom, Katrina, so that I could meet her.

Dwayne had been telling me the same thing since he'd picked me up from my house.

I'm starting to think he doesn't know who I am.

"And I can be a lot much, your point is?"

Dwayne grinned at me,and then kicked his lips. "I like that! Can I use that? "

I laughed at his excitement, admiring him at the same time.

Over the past few weeks, we had grown a lot closer, but not too close. I didn't need to know every single thing that he did, and vice versa.

We were comfortable with each other. I was comfortable with that.

He hadn't been pressuring me to have sex with him, but I can see that he had been fighting his sexual temptation.

Brownie points for Dwayne.

As we walked into the restaurant, nobody really paid us any attention. It was mostly because it was a Wednesday night, and there weren't many people there.

You thought I was gonna say we were looking ratchet? How about nah.

I like to keep a low profile, so that was good for me.

"Katrina this is my girlfriend Asia. Asia, this is Karsen's mother, Katrina."

I put my hand out for a handshake, and the female rolled her eyes.

See, I was tryna be nice, but she testing me.

"I've heard. Karsen won't stop talking about you." She forced a smile, and then sipped on her drink.

"Same for you."

When Katrina finally let Karsen come over, and her stay was over, Karsen wouldn't stop talking about how she didn't want to go home.

I was sus, but Dwayne assumed that it was more so because she didn't get to see him often.

"Good things I hope."

"Barely." Her smirk dropped, and Dwayne choked on his drink.

I was being completely serious though. I wasn't getting a good vibe from her.

"Ima go to the restroom real quick, I got the bubble guts."

I'd told him not to get nachos, now he was about to blow these people restroom up.

Katrina's eyes stayed Dwayne until he got out of our sight, and then she turned to me.

"If I want him back, I can take him back in a heartbeat. He's still my nigga." I laughed at this petty bitch, digging in my purse.

I can't stand females that don't do what they're supposed to do, and then get mad when the man moves on.

Getting up from my seat, I moved to the other side of the booth so that I was sitting directly next to her.

"Look," I pushed my gun into her stomach, "I'm not too fond of you. And I'm also not too fond of disrespect from basic birds like you."

Her eyes widened in shock, "What are you doing-"

"No, no, no. I'm speaking. Don't talk when I talk, if you want your life."

"Hello?," I hit her in the stomach with the gun as hard as I could, " Do you understand?"


"Good. Fuck with me again, and Ima take this purse," I pointed to her cute Gucci tote bag on the table, "and show up to your funeral with it and 'your' nigga."

I blew her a kiss before getting back in my side of the booth, keeping my eyes trained on her the entire time.

"Whoo! Those nachos fucked me up."

"Mhm, I bet." He just don't listen.

"What's wrong with you, Katrina?"

"N-nothing. Did you want Karsen this weekend?"

"You dying or something? Why you so nice all of a sudden?" I slightly chuckled at the sound of that. Dwayne was always saying something stupid.

She hesitated before speaking, "Change of heart."

Dwayne looked at me out of the corner of his eye, and I shrugged.

Now that that's out of the way...

Mona's POV

"Raheem, what is wrong with you?!"

He's been tripping for a while, a long while.

When we first got married two years ago, he was everything plus more. Of course we had our arguments, but they were nothing like these.

"I said nothing, damn!"

He looked up from his playbook and to me as if I was irritating him.

That's what I'm talking about.

"I beg to differ. You been giving me the cold shoulder for too damn long."

"Man, ain't nobody worried about you."

"I can see that." I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen, rubbing my protruding belly, so that I could feed me and my daughter.

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