3. The Proposal

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I had fun deciding how to make Roman's character act, ngl.

TW: swearing, threat of suicide/attempted suicide, arguing, talk of child marriage, disrespecting royalty, slight homophobia, poison,


Most people would've been intimidated by the castle's towering walls and impressive architecture. However, Virgil was not most people. He did not cower before the large gates, nor did he bat an eye at the finery that surrounded him. He would not be intimidated by what was supposed to be a show of wealth and strength.

He was led into a large throne room, in which sat the king and queen on their thrones. They looked regal and poised, but Virgil wasn't impressed. He knew what hid underneath their beautiful crowns, and it wasn't nearly as pretty as it seemed.

"I'd say that it's a pleasure to meet with you both, but I don't like lying," Virgil stated. He did not bow before them like he was supposed to. He would never bow again. The royals looked annoyed at the disrespect, but made no comment.

"We have requested you here to propose a peace treaty," King Sanders said. "You would leave us alone, and in return, you would marry our daughter, Princess Chrissie."

"Here's the problem with that," Virgil said. "I'm gay. And how old is she?"

"She's sixteen," Queen Violet stated. Virgil made a face of disgust.

"Why would I marry a sixteen year old?" Virgil asked, venom dripping from his voice. "I'm not marrying a child. I'm twenty, why the hell do you think it's alright to marry your daughter to me? I'm not marrying a child. I may be a pirate, but we at least have standards. Don't you have older children?"

"The oldest prince is already going to be married, and the next two princes in line are out of the question," King Sanders stated. "One of which refuses to marry anyone, and the other is difficult, but he will come around and marry a princess eventually."

"Oh wow, he must be gay," Virgil said, laughing when the king flinched. "So he is gay. And why exactly won't you offer his hand in marriage? I certainly wouldn't be against it if he's not."

"He's Just stubborn and confused," Queen Violet said. "Eventually he'll realize that it's better for him to marry a princess."

"Oh great, not only did you try to get me to marry a child, but you're also homophobic," Virgil muttered. "I'm not marrying your daughter. So it's either you see if the prince is okay with it, or you can say goodbye to any thought of a treaty." Before either of them could reply, someone rushed into the room.

"You are not marrying Chrissie off to someone!" Roman snapped. The king and queen looked shocked, and Virgil laughed quietly. "If you even try it I'll throw myself off of that ledge before anyone can stop me!"

"We need to have peace, Roman," Ling Sanders stated. "This is the only way."

"Child marriage is not something you can just do," Roman hissed. "I have many, many ways to kill myself if you go through with this. I won't hesitate and you know that."

"Well at least someone here has sense," Virgil commented. Roman finally seemed to notice that he was there. Virgil gave a small bow, smirking at Roman. "Captain Virgil Black, and who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

"Prince Roman," Roman said cautiously. His parents looked outraged over something, but he had no idea what. "If you try to marry my sister I'm going to either kill you or myself, and I don't care which."

"I don't want to marry your sister," Virgil said. "I'm gay, and completely not interested in marrying a child."

"Thank god," Roman muttered.

"Roman, think about what you're saying," Queen Violet said. "You're just being stubborn again. We have no other children to offer in marriage besides Chrissie, since all of the others are either married or too young."

"You absolutely refuse to even try and get me to marry a guy, don't you?" Roman gave a bitter laugh. "You're both so close minded. You also forget that you're dealing with the most stubborn person in this castle. I have far too many ways to kill myself for you to risk trying to marry me to a princess again. Don't forget you're not the one who holds the antidote."

"Did you poison yourself again?" King Sanders asked, alarm in his voice.

"Not yet," Roman said, pulling out a vial. He uncorked it, a clear challenge in the action. "So, are you going to still try and marry Chrissie to the pirate and me to a princess?"

"Roman you know that this isn't-" Roman cut off the king by drinking all of the poison.

"Too late," Roman said. "And by that dose, I'll be dead fairly quickly. Good luck with the antidote, because only I know where it's hidden. Even Remus can't help you this time." Roman was still smiling when he fell to the ground, just barely being able to be caught by one fo the guards.

852 words.

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