Part 4: Go! It's Time For Change

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In Part 3 Margie and Dayao got to school together. Margie gets overwhelmed by the attention she is getting. A girl named Ivy wants to be Margie's best friend, causing Dayao to feel replaced. However, a talk with Kaito Aoki cheers the shy girl up and Ivy welcomes Dayao too with open arms. The three discuss serious topics, and when Margie went to talk with a girl named Hani Uwagusuri, a big bang sounds and causes everything to shake.

Margie loses her balance and her knees hit the ground very hard. Everyone starts yelling in fear and running away.
'That must be the monster again!' Ivy says terrified. 'We have to get out of school!' She helps Margie up.
Margie sees that Hani runs away and that the teachers are evacuating the building. She follows everyone to outside and then hears the word Wonk.
'Dayao!' she hisses. 'We have to transform!'
'There are too many people here!' Dayao says.
Margie bites her lip. 'Then let'go!' She wants to run away from all the people, but Ivy jerks her back.
'Are you out of your mind?!' Ivy says. 'The monster is there, it will kill you if you go to it!'
Dayao takes adventage of the distracted Ivy and then runs away, to a place to hide. She goes into the bushes and then holds her necklace tightly. 'Pretty Cure... Release the light in my heart!'
She transforms into Cure Azura again and inhales deeply. 'I can do this...' She gets out of the bushes, runs around the building so no one sees her and then jumps up, full speed, aiming at the Wonk. She knocks him over and he falls.
'So you have appeared again?' Gino's voice sounds, and the jester can be seen floating in the sky. Cure Azura sees him and glares at him.
'Where's your friend?' Gino chuckles. 'Recovering from last time?'
'It's none of your business!' Cure Azura yells at him.
'Oh isn't it?' Gino asks. 'I could say the same to you, don't come in and get yourself involved with my actions, since they're none of your business.'
'Except it is!' Azura says. 'This is our school you're attacking! Here are friends, teachers and classmates you're putting in danger!'
'Do I look like I care?'
'I will make you care! Because your opponent is me!' Azura quickly jumps away because she noticed the fist of the Wonk aiming at her from behind. The fist misses her.
'Gino, if you think you can just hurt people while I'm around, you're wrong!' Azura punches the Wonk and is really angry. The Wonk stumbles backwards and then falls. 'I will always protect those in need! I want to become a doctor so it's always going to be my duty!'
Gino growls angrily. 'Don't pretend you actually care about people who are in need!' He shoots a beam towards her. Azura quickly dodges but sees that more beams are getting aimed at her and keeps jumping around and around, but it's getting harder and harder. She makes a shield appear and a beam hits it, and she struggles to keep on standing. The Wonk stands up while Azura is distracted and then hits her with its fist. Azura screams and then gets thrown away into the distance, towards the panicking crowd of people. She falls on the ground and sounds in pain.
'Who is that?!' everyone asks and surround her. Margie gasps in shock. She quickly runs away to transform unnoticed as well while everyone is distracted. Cure Azura groans in pain and then carefully stands up.
'Wonkie Wonk!' it suddenly sounds from above and the Wonk falls down from the sky. Cure Azura gasps and then the Wonk falls on top of her and the crowd.

Gino chuckles. 'Where's your big mouth now, Azura?!' He looks at the Wonk. Nothing is happening. For a few seconds there's no sound, but then Gino gasps in shock. The Wonk is slowely moving upwards.
Azura is below the Wonk and the crowd is lying on the ground, but nobody is wounded. Azura lifts up the Wonk with her own two hands, groaning exhausted because of how heavy it is, but she clearly isn't planning to give up. Then suddenly, the weight decreases. Azura looks next to her and sees Cure Sweet helping her lift the Wonk. The crowd looks at them in amazement.
'Sorry for keeping you waiting, Azura!' Sweet says.
'Sweet!' Azura says happily. 'Let's defeat this Wonk!!!'
'Yeah!' Sweet says, and together with Azura she uses all her powers to throw the Wonk away. Then they take each others hand and yell while running up to the Wonk, jumping up and then coming down to crush the Wonk together, then they jump backwards.
'Time for our final attack!' Sweet says. 'Let's perform it together!'
Azura nods in agreement. 'Let's show Gino he shouldn't mess with the school!'
'Pretty Cure!' The two girl says at the same time, and the jewels around their necks start glowing.
'Rose Quartz Explosion!' Sweet says, collecting a ball in her hands.
'Lapis beam!' Azura says, also collecting her attack into a ball, holding it in her hands.
'Nooooo!' Gino screams. 'Wonk! Stand up!!!' He flies towards the Wonk and taps it, but it doesn't react. He looks at the two Cures and screams when they're about to release the attacks and he quickly flies away to avoid it.
Cure Sweet and Cure Azura release their attacks together. A blue beam with explosions around it appears and hits the Wonk, who then turns back into a bench.
'Not again!' Gino whines and then angrily points at Sweet and Azura. 'I will remember this!' He teleports away.
Sweet and Azura fall on their knees, panting exhausted, but then they smile at each other.
'That was such a close call...' Sweet says. 'I'm sorry for not showing up earlier. Ivy was holding me down.'
'It's alright.' Azura smiles softly. Then she hugs her. 'I'm just glad we were able to defeat the Wonk.'
'Same here,' Sweet says and hugs back happily. 'With you at my side, I'll feel like nothing can crush me down! Phew, I'm relieved actually. Last time I didn't have any strength, but everything's back to normal.'
'It's because you're feeling more secure,' Candy Floss says.
Sweet smiles. 'Yeah, all these kind people here have really cheered me up. And I'm really thankful for that. Hey, I had an idea, can we later go to the park? I want to apologize to sunglasses girl.'
'But what if she'll be rude again?'
'I don't think she will be. She was really kind yesterday.'
'If you say so.' Azura gasps suddenly. 'Uh guys, everyone from school is approaching us.'
'Oh no!' Candy Floss says. 'I'm gonna hide.' They fly away quickly.
'Wow! That was so cool!' A girl says once the group reaches the two heroines. 'How did you do that?'
'Oh... Uh...' Sweet flexes. 'With the power of my heart!'
Everyone looks amazed and some boys and girls even start blushing.
'What are your names?' Someone else asks Azura.
'My name is Azura,' Azura answers. 'My friend here is called Sweet.'
Some people start filming and taking pictures. A lot of people are thanking them and admiring them. Sweet and Azura are both starting to get nervous.
'We have to go now,' Azura suddenly says. 'Our duty is to protect people, so we must stay alert.'
Dissapointed noises can be heard from the crowd.
'Sorry,' Sweet says. 'But we have to.' She takes Azura's hand and quickly jumps away with her, in the air.

'You can't just do that!' Ivy says when Margie says she and Dayao went looking if there were any people in danger. 'You shouldn't have ran away from the group! These two girls Sweet and Azura will handle it!'
'I'm really sorry, Ivy,' Margie says. 'But we had to.'
Ivy has a frown on her face. 'I was really worried, you two... Please never do that again. Especially you Dayao, don't just run away when I am distracted!!!'
'I'm sorry,' Dayao says and looks down.
Ivy sighs. 'I'm just glad you aren't injured. I would've felt awful.' She looks at her legs.
The three girls are sitting outside on a bench. The wind is softly blowing trough their hair.
'It would be really awesome though, to do what those two did.' Ivy inhales deeply. 'I wish I could become a hero as well.'
Margie and Dayao look at each other with a smile.
'Who knows, maybe you will,' Margie smiles. She lays her hand on Ivy's shoulder. 'But remember, you don't need to have muscles or superpowers to be a hero. As human you can accomplish a lot as well.'
'Indeed,' Dayao says. 'For example: I want to become a doctor.'
'But it's not the same as jumping high into the air!' Ivy pouts.
'That's true,' Margie says, 'but other things can still makes you a hero.'
'I guess so...' Ivy sighs. She is silent.
Margie and Dayao are silent as well. All three stare at the sky and listen to the birds chirping.
'You know, nature is really beautiful,' Margie says.
'I agree,' Dayao says. 'I love looking at flowers.'
'I like the sounds of chirping birds.'
'Really?' Ivy asks. 'For some reason it always gives me a headache...'
'Then what relaxes you?' Dayao asks.
'The sound of running water,' Ivy answers. 'I always listen to river sounds when I'm trying to sleep.'
'That's awesome!' Margie says. 'I think it's relaxing as well.'
'I like raining sounds,' Dayao says. 'Huh?'
The three girls look up as a few students approach them. The classmates laugh and whisper to each other.
'Margie?' a girl asks. 'May I ask you for a favour?'
'Uh? What is it?' Margie asks, surprised but also nervous.
'We have to make clothes for theathre,' the girl says, 'and the theme is PreCure. We were wondering if you want to be the model for Sweet.'
'Eh? The model for Cure Sweet?!' Margie says unbelievable. 'Why me?'
'You are muscular like her,' another girl says. 'Besides, our class is dying to meet you!'
'O-oh...' Margie says, not knowing what to say. Dayao also listens to everything speechless.
'You said you wanted to help people, right?' the girl asks. 'That makes you even more perfect for being her model! Please help us out!'
'You are also perfect for playing the role of Sweet in the play!' a boy says. 'Please do it, we're begging you!'
Margie just looks at them, no sound escaping her throat.
Ivy places her hand on Margie's shoulder. 'You should do it. This is an amazing chance to get! You won't regret it, I promise!'
Margie gulps. 'Alright... I'll do it!'
The whole group starts cheering and hugging each other.
'That's the right choice! Congratulations!' Ivy says, clapping her hands.
Margie smiles gently. 'Do you already have someone who will play as Azura?'
A girl shakes her head. 'No. We're still searching.'
'In that case, may I suggest Dayao to play the role?'
'Ehhh?!' the whole group says in disbelief.
'Me?!' Dayao says shocked.
'I don't think that's a good idea,' another girl says. 'Dayao is too shy for that.'
'Even if she is shy, I believe in her,' Margie says determined.
'But still, her personality doesn't match that of Azura,' the same girl says. 'Azura isn't fearful. Dayao is way too shy for that.'
Something breaks inside of Dayao. She bites her lip and feels like she doesn't deserve to be Azura. Or even a Cure in the first place.
'I'm gonna go for a walk.' Dayao stands up, her face not visible for others. She walks away.
'Dayao...' Margie says sadly. She looks at her friend walking away hopeless.
Dayao keeps walking and walking, then leans against a tree, no one around. She inhales deeply and lets out a sigh.
'Dayao...' a voice suddenly says.
Dayao looks up and sees Candy Floss standing in front of her. 'Hey...'
Candy Floss flies up until they reach the same level as Dayao's face. 'Are you okay?'
'Yeah.' Dayao looks away.
'Ofcourse not.' Candy Floss touches her cheek. 'Please tell me what's wrong. 'The insecurity is all over you.'
'They said I'm too shy, Candy Floss. I don't have the courage of Cure Azura. I'm too shy to act. Too afraid.' She holds the Lapis. 'I feel like I and Cure Azura are two different people. I feel like I don't deserve to be her.'
'Dayao,' Candy Floss says, 'being a PreCure has nothing to do with shyness. It has to do with your heart. It's okay to be scared as human and be full of courage when you're a Cure.'
Dayao looks at them. 'But... Doesn't my shyness stand in the way of doing a good job?'
'Not at all!' Candy Floss says. 'Your determination is stronger than your fear and shyness. But even then, running away doesn't make you a bad Cure. There were Cures before you who ran away in their first battle - Cure Blossom, Cure Princess and Cure Peace for example - but they turned into amazing Cures later. Please don't doubt yourself.' They hold their heart. 'I'm sort of a PreCure expert, so I know what I'm talking about.'
Dayao smiles gently. 'Thank you, Candy Floss. I needed that.' She hugs them.
Candy Floss blushes out of surprise. 'You're welcome, Dayao Shiyo.' They hug back happily.
Dayao smiles. 'You know Candy Floss, you remind me of courage. How you protected Sweet even when your shield was breaking... It's like you gave me part of your courage to me. I feel like your nickname should be Yuki.' (Note: The Japanese word Yūki means courage)
Candy Floss smiles. 'Yuki. I love that name. But hey, Dayao, I don't think I gave you my courage. That came from within you. The Lapis reacted to your heart, and only you can activate the four parts of the PreCure heart. I only am able to bond with you and activate your PreCure powers, but the rest is all you.'
'So only I can make change...' Dayao inhales deeply, then has a determined smile on her face. 'Alright. I've decided. I'm going to take the role in the theatre!' She holds the fairy close to her and is on her way back to Margie and the others.
'That's my Dayao!' Candy Floss says. 'I'm so proud of you.'
Dayao smiles and then soon arrives at where the rest are. Margie sees her. 'Hey Dayao!'
'Hey Margie,' Dayao says. She faces the group of people and stands straight and confident. 'I want to take the role as Cure Azura!'
The group looks confused and look at each other. Then back at Dayao. 'Are you sure?'
'Yes!' Dayao says. 'I believe that Dayao can have Azura's courage. I'll do my best.'
Margie looks surprised, but smiles gently. She stands up and stands next to her friend. 'Please allow her to play Cure Azura! I'm certain she will do a great job!'
The girl who originally asked Margie for help smiles gently and nods. 'Alright then. Dayao will be Cure Azura.'

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