Entry 3~The Beach

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To many people this picture will look like just any ordinary picture

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To many people this picture will look like just any ordinary picture. Just another ordinary sunset. But to me, it means so much more. This was a picture that I took at La Jolla beach. And I'm sure there are so many more like this, shot by professionals. Yet this means so much more to me. I remember clearly the day I took this picture.

It was a happy day, and me and my family were setting up at La Jolla Beach at 4:30 p.m sharp for our bonfire we were holding that night. We had to set up early before our guests were arriving. We had bought tiki torches just for the occasion and I was ecstatic. All my friends and family would be arriving around 5:30.

I remember the feeling when I first stepped onto the sound. I had flung my shoes away without another thought. I had groaned in pleasure as my feet met the soft, crunchy substance of sound that dissolved under my feet. It was a little hot and I hopped from one foot to the other as I adjusted to the heat. Unfortunately after a few minutes I had to help my family unload the car and set up.

We took beach mats, and chairs. We took a bonfire and tiki torches. We took buffet tables, and bags after bags of food and supplies for s'mores.

We were covered in sweat once we finally finished. It was around 5:10, and we decided to play while we waited for people to come. I sat on the warm sound, not caring how dirty my clothes would get. With my phone in hand, I gazed in awe at the beautiful sunset. It was entrancing and I couldn't tear my eyes away. Subconsciously I opened my phone to camera, and snapped a photo of this beautiful sunset. I know it could never capture the scent of the sea breeze, the warmth of the sun, the soft yet grainy feeling of sand. And I was at absolute peace. It felt like I was drifting away from earth, into this void of quiet. Hearing the waves, feeling the sun, all my senses widely alert, yet at peace. And it was perfect.

Staring at this photo reminds me of this feeling. The feeling where everything is ok. That if a place as beautiful as this exists on earth, then maybe this world isn't as cruel as we thought it was.

Not only does this photo make me feel at peace, it also brings back the memories of my family and friends. The way we interacted, the way we shared funny and embarrassing stories. The terrifying truths, and hilarious dares. The s'more we made. They wrestle each other to the ground until we admit defeat. In a way it made me realize there were people out there who supported me. Who loved me the way I was. And staring at this simple picture brought it all out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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