Chapter Two

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Oliver didn't come to the diner for a week and Felicity couldn't help but feel slightly sad. She liked seeing at least one consistent customer. They didn't get many consistent customers because the diner was located out in the middle of nowhere.

"What's wrong?" Sara said, moving over to her.

"Hmm." Felicity looked at Sara. "He's not been back for a week. I guess your dad scared him off."

Sara tilted her head to the side. "Isn't that a good thing?"

Felicity shrugged. "We don't get a lot of customers." She said. "I guess it was nice to see a consistent face."

Sighing, Sara nodded her head. "I get that."

Felicity began washing some of the dirty dishes.

"Need help?" Sara asked, moving over to her.

"I'll wash. You dry?" Felicity said, holding out a freshly washed plate.

Nodding her head, Sara grabbed it and dried it with a clean towel.

They continued like this for about half an hour.

The bell to the diner dinged and Felicity looked up hopefully. Oliver had stepped through the door. He had the hood of his sweater pulled up over his head and his hands were stuffed into the pockets.

Felicity swallowed thickly.

Moving over to his usual booth, he sat down but kept his head down.

"He's back." Felicity whispered to Sara and she continued to wash the dishes.

Sara glanced up and frowned before drying the dish in her hands. "Want me to take his order?"

Felicity shook her head. "I can do it. It's my turn."

"Okay." Sara said softly, drying the last dish.

Felicity dried her hands on a towel and moved across the room. "Hi. Can I take your order?"

Oliver kept his head down. "I'll have my usual." He mumbled gruffly.

"Okay." Felicity wrote in her note pad. "And a drink?"

"Coffee for now." Oliver responded.

"Okay, is that all?" Felicity asked.

Nodding his head, the blue eyed man avoided looking at her.

Felicity walked away from the table.

"He's acting strange." Sara noted as she looked toward the table.

"You think so?" Felicity asked, making Oliver's coffee.

Nodding her head, Sara watched Oliver. "He's not watching you, he's staring at the table and has a hood up over his head."

Felicity shrugged. "At least he's not staring at me, that was creepy."

"Yeah." Sara responded.

Felicity carried Oliver's coffee towards him and placed it on the table.

"Thank you." Oliver mumbled.

"You're welcome. Your meal will be here soon." Felicity said, walking away.

Oliver slowly began drinking his coffee. He glanced out of the window to make sure the cops weren't around. He couldn't keep hiding out in this small town. They'd find him eventually. But he couldn't bring himself to leave, Felicity and her sons fascinated him, which could probably be what got him caught.

Felicity was beside him again, surprising him. She placed his food down in front of him. "Enjoy."

"Thanks." He said, digging into his food.

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