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Artemis and Apollo Avery were born to Achilles Avery and Margret Avery on a bright and beautiful summer morning in early August. Both of the twins bore their mother's dark hair and pale skin. Artemis was gifted her father's green eyes while Apollo gained their father's hazel ones. Apollo also gained his mother's curls, where Artemis was stuck with Achilles' relentlessly straight locks. 

The Avery family had a long line of tradition, in both holding to their pureblood values and naming their own after the Greek gods, goddesses, and other figures. It seemed only fitting to name their twins after those of Leto and Zeus. 

And just like those twins, these ones were as close as can be. Throughout their childhood, one was rarely seen without the other. Achilles and Margret were as strict as could be, which only bonded the twin more. There was never a time when they didn't have each other's back. Never. 

They did have other friends, of course. On weekends there would always be some other family visiting. The Malfoys seemed to come over the most, always ripping Artemis away from Apollo so that she could spend time with young Draco. At that age, she was far too young to understand why. And whenever the Parkinsons would come over, the opposite would be done, so both twins thought it was just normal. Nonetheless, by the time the two reached Hogwarts they already had a group of friends to bring them comfort. 


~Setember 1st 1991~

"Apollo, hurry up!" A voice called from down a flight of stairs. "We are going to be late!"

The voice seemed rather annoyed as if being late was a usual happening for Apollo. Which it was. Artemis swore that there was never a time when the two of them weren't late, because Apollo was always some sort of mess. 

A moment passed and then a boy with messy curls on his head ran down the stairs, pulling a trunk behind him. "Sorry, Artie. I couldn't find my shoes." He grinned, stopping once he reached her. 

Artemis only rolled her eyes, heading towards the door where their parents were waiting for them. All four of them were dressed rather nicely for the day's activities. Sure, they were only going to change once they got on the Hogwarts Express, but Margret was very insistent about them needing to have a good first impression on all of the students. She always cared a bit too much for those things, or at least in Artemis' opinion. 

Once the two reached their parents, Marget reached out to adjust Apollo's collar, which had gotten ruffled in his search. "We really need to do better with this hair..." The older woman mumbled, trying to flatten it down the best she could. She then turned to her daughter, running a hand through the girl's long hair. "Don't mess it up when you get on the train, Artemis." Again, these were usual activities for the family.

"Are we ready?" Achilles asked, holding out his arm for Artemis to hold onto while Apollo took hold of Margret's. 

"Yes." Margret gave a nod, and with that, the pair apparated to the platform. 

Many would get sick when partaking in side-apparation, but the twins were so used to the sensation that they didn't seem fazed. 

Once on the platform, the parents gave their final goodbyes, if it could be called that. Really, the twins were just told to behave, get in Slytherin, and remember their values. Then, the twins were off. 

It didn't take too long for them to find their friends, who already seemed to be buzzing about the news of a certain "Harry Potter" who was spotted on the train. 

And with all of that, their first year was on the way and so was the start of their lives. 

Hello! Just a short introduction to the story, I promise all other chapters will be a lot longer! I hope you are enjoying it so far, and please drop some votes and comments so that I know you are enjoying it!

Much love, Al

My heart, you are. (Harry Potter OC wlw story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن